# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
Tree-structured Parzen Estimator Approach
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Iterable, Sequence, TypeVar
import numpy
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.stats.distributions import rv_frozen
from orion.algo.base import BaseAlgorithm
from orion.algo.base.parallel_strategy import ParallelStrategy, strategy_factory
from orion.algo.space import Integer, Real, Space
from orion.core.utils import format_trials
from orion.core.utils.flatten import flatten
from orion.core.worker.trial import Trial
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]def compute_max_ei_point(
points: numpy.ndarray | Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
below_likelis: Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray,
above_likelis: Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray,
) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Compute ei among points based on their log likelihood and return the point with max ei.
:param points: list of point with real values.
:param below_likelis: list of log likelihood for each point in the good GMM.
:param above_likelis: list of log likelihood for each point in the bad GMM.
max_ei = -numpy.inf
point_index = 0
for i, (lik_b, lik_a) in enumerate(zip(below_likelis, above_likelis)):
ei = lik_b - lik_a
if ei > max_ei:
max_ei = ei
point_index = i
return points[point_index]
[docs]def ramp_up_weights(total_num: int, flat_num: int, equal_weight: bool) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Adjust weights of observed trials.
:param total_num: total number of observed trials.
:param flat_num: the number of the most recent trials which
get the full weight where the others will be applied with a linear ramp
from 0 to 1.0. It will only take effect if equal_weight is False.
:param equal_weight: whether all the observed trails share the same weights.
if total_num < flat_num or equal_weight:
return numpy.ones(total_num)
ramp_weights = numpy.linspace(1.0 / total_num, 1.0, num=total_num - flat_num)
flat_weights = numpy.ones(flat_num)
return numpy.concatenate([ramp_weights, flat_weights])
# pylint:disable=assignment-from-no-return
[docs]def adaptive_parzen_estimator(
mus: numpy.ndarray | Sequence,
low: float,
high: float,
prior_weight: float = 1.0,
equal_weight: bool = False,
flat_num: int = 25,
) -> tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]:
"""Return the sorted mus, the corresponding sigmas and weights with adaptive kernel estimator.
This adaptive parzen window estimator is based on the original papers and also refer the use of
prior mean in `this implementation
:param mus: list of real values for observed mus.
:param low: real value for lower bound of points.
:param high: real value for upper bound of points.
:param prior_weight: real value for the weight of the prior mean.
:param equal_weight: bool value indicating if all points with equal weights.
:param flat_num: int value indicating the number of the most recent trials which
get the full weight where the others will be applied with a linear ramp
from 0 to 1.0. It will only take effect if equal_weight is False.
mus = numpy.asarray(mus)
prior_mu = (low + high) * 0.5
prior_sigma = (high - low) * 1.0
size = len(mus)
if size > 1:
order = numpy.argsort(mus)
sorted_mus = mus[order]
prior_mu_pos = numpy.searchsorted(sorted_mus, prior_mu)
weights = ramp_up_weights(size, flat_num, equal_weight)
mixture_mus = numpy.zeros(size + 1)
mixture_mus[:prior_mu_pos] = sorted_mus[:prior_mu_pos]
mixture_mus[prior_mu_pos] = prior_mu
mixture_mus[prior_mu_pos + 1 :] = sorted_mus[prior_mu_pos:]
mixture_weights = numpy.ones(size + 1)
mixture_weights[:prior_mu_pos] = weights[:prior_mu_pos]
mixture_weights[prior_mu_pos] = prior_weight
mixture_weights[prior_mu_pos + 1 :] = weights[prior_mu_pos:]
sigmas = numpy.ones(size + 1)
sigmas[0] = mixture_mus[1] - mixture_mus[0]
sigmas[-1] = mixture_mus[-1] - mixture_mus[-2]
sigmas[1:-1] = numpy.maximum(
(mixture_mus[1:-1] - mixture_mus[0:-2]),
(mixture_mus[2:] - mixture_mus[1:-1]),
sigmas = numpy.clip(
sigmas, prior_sigma / max(10, numpy.sqrt(size)), prior_sigma
if prior_mu < mus[0]:
mixture_mus = numpy.array([prior_mu, mus[0]])
sigmas = numpy.array([prior_sigma, prior_sigma * 0.5])
mixture_weights = numpy.array([prior_weight, 1.0])
mixture_mus = numpy.array([mus[0], prior_mu])
sigmas = numpy.array([prior_sigma * 0.5, prior_sigma])
mixture_weights = numpy.array([1.0, prior_weight])
weights = mixture_weights / mixture_weights.sum()
return mixture_mus, sigmas, weights
[docs]class TPE(BaseAlgorithm):
"""Tree-structured Parzen Estimator (TPE) algorithm is one of Sequential Model-Based
Global Optimization (SMBO) algorithms, which will build models to propose new points based
on the historical observed trials.
Instead of modeling p(y|x) like other SMBO algorithms, TPE models p(x|y) and p(y),
and p(x|y) is modeled by transforming that generative process, replacing the distributions of
the configuration prior with non-parametric densities.
The TPE defines p(x|y) using two such densities l(x) and g(x) while l(x) is distribution of
good points and g(x) is the distribution of bad points. New point candidates will be sampled
with l(x) and Expected Improvement (EI) optimization scheme will be used to find the most
promising point among the candidates.
For more information on the algorithm, see original papers at:
- `Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization
- `Making a Science of Model Search: Hyperparameter Optimizationin Hundreds of Dimensions
for Vision Architectures <http://proceedings.mlr.press/v28/bergstra13.pdf>`_
space: `orion.algo.space.Space`
Optimisation space with priors for each dimension.
seed: None, int or sequence of int, optional
Seed to sample initial points and candidates points.
Default: ``None``
n_initial_points: int, optional
Number of initial points randomly sampled. If new points
are requested and less than `n_initial_points` are observed,
the next points will also be sampled randomly instead of being
sampled from the parzen estimators.
Default: ``20``
n_ei_candidates: int, optional
Number of candidates points sampled for ei compute. Larger numbers will lead to more
exploitation and lower numbers will lead to more exploration. Be careful with categorical
dimension as TPE tend to severily exploit these if n_ei_candidates is larger than 1.
Default: ``24``
gamma: real, optional
Ratio to split the observed trials into good and bad distributions. Lower numbers will
load to more exploitation and larger numbers will lead to more exploration.
Default: ``0.25``
equal_weight: bool, optional
True to set equal weights for observed points.
Default: ``False``
prior_weight: int, optional
The weight given to the prior point of the input space.
Default: ``1.0``
full_weight_num: int, optional
The number of the most recent trials which get the full weight where the others will be
applied with a linear ramp from 0 to 1.0. It will only take effect if equal_weight
is False.
max_retry: int, optional
Number of attempts to sample new points if the sampled points were already suggested.
Default: ``100``
parallel_strategy: dict or None, optional
The configuration of a parallel strategy to use for pending trials or broken trials.
Default is a MaxParallelStrategy for broken trials and NoParallelStrategy for pending
requires_type: ClassVar[str | None] = None
requires_dist: ClassVar[str | None] = "linear"
requires_shape: ClassVar[str | None] = "flattened"
# pylint:disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(
space: Space,
seed: int | Sequence[int] | None = None,
n_initial_points: int = 20,
n_ei_candidates: int = 24,
gamma: float = 0.25,
equal_weight: bool = False,
prior_weight: float = 1.0,
full_weight_num: int = 25,
max_retry: int = 100,
parallel_strategy: dict | None = None,
if n_initial_points < 2:
n_initial_points = 2
"n_initial_points %s is not valid, set n_initial_points = 2",
if n_ei_candidates < 1:
n_ei_candidates = 1
"n_ei_candidates %s is not valid, set n_ei_candidates = 1",
if parallel_strategy is None:
parallel_strategy = {
"of_type": "StatusBasedParallelStrategy",
"strategy_configs": {
"broken": {
"of_type": "MaxParallelStrategy",
self.strategy: ParallelStrategy = strategy_factory.create(**parallel_strategy)
# TODO: Setting the attributes here so their types are registered. Need to get rid of
# overlap with super().__init__ somehow.
self.seed = seed
self.n_initial_points = n_initial_points
self.n_ei_candidates = n_ei_candidates
self.gamma = gamma
self.equal_weight = equal_weight
self.prior_weight = prior_weight
self.full_weight_num = full_weight_num
self.max_retry = max_retry
self.parallel_strategy = parallel_strategy
def _verify_space(self) -> None:
"""Verify space is supported"""
for dimension in self.space.values():
if dimension.type != "fidelity" and dimension.prior_name not in [
raise ValueError(
"TPE now only supports uniform, loguniform, uniform discrete "
f"and choices as prior: {dimension.prior_name}"
shape = dimension.shape
if shape and len(shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("TPE now only supports 1D shape.")
[docs] def seed_rng(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None) -> None:
"""Seed the state of the random number generator.
:param seed: Integer seed for the random number generator.
self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
def state_dict(self) -> dict:
"""Return a state dict that can be used to reset the state of the algorithm."""
_state_dict: dict[str, Any] = super().state_dict
_state_dict["rng_state"] = self.rng.get_state()
_state_dict["seed"] = self.seed
_state_dict["strategy"] = self.strategy.state_dict
return _state_dict
[docs] def set_state(self, state_dict: dict) -> None:
"""Reset the state of the algorithm based on the given state_dict
:param state_dict: Dictionary representing state of an algorithm
[docs] def suggest(self, num: int) -> list[Trial] | None:
"""Suggest a `num` of new sets of parameters. Randomly draw samples
from the import space and return them.
num: int
Number of trials to sample.
.. note:: New parameters must be compliant with the problem's domain
# Only sample up to `n_initial_points` and after that only sample one at a time.
num_samples = min(num, max(self.n_initial_points - self.n_suggested, 1))
samples: list[Trial] = []
while len(samples) < num_samples and self.n_suggested < self.space.cardinality:
if self.n_observed < self.n_initial_points:
candidates = self._suggest_random(num_samples)
logger.debug("Random candidates: %s", candidates)
v = max(num_samples - len(samples), 0)
candidates = self._suggest_bo(v)
logger.debug("BO candidates: %s", candidates)
if not candidates:
# Perhaps the BO algo wasn't able to suggest any points? Break in that case.
for candidate in candidates:
return samples
def _suggest(
self, num: int, function: Callable[[int], Iterable[Trial]]
) -> list[Trial]:
trials: list[Trial] = []
retries = 0
while len(trials) < num and retries < self.max_retry:
for candidate in function(num - len(trials)):
if candidate not in self.registry:
retries += 1
if len(self.registry) >= self.space.cardinality:
return trials
if retries >= self.max_retry:
f"Algorithm unable to sample `{num}` trials with less than "
f"`{self.max_retry}` retries. Try adjusting the configuration of TPE "
"to favor exploration (`n_ei_candidates` and `gamma` in particular)."
return trials
def _suggest_random(self, num: int) -> list[Trial]:
def sample(num: int) -> list[Trial]:
return self.space.sample(
num, seed=tuple(self.rng.randint(0, 1000000, size=3))
return self._suggest(num, sample)
def _suggest_bo(self, num: int) -> list[Trial]:
def suggest_bo(num: int) -> list[Trial]:
return [self._suggest_one_bo() for _ in range(num)]
return self._suggest(num, suggest_bo)
def _suggest_one_bo(self) -> Trial:
params = {}
below_trials, above_trials = self.split_trials()
for dimension in self.space.values():
dim_below_trials = [
flatten(trial.params)[dimension.name] for trial in below_trials
dim_above_trials = [
flatten(trial.params)[dimension.name] for trial in above_trials
if dimension.type == "real":
dim_samples = self._sample_real_dimension(
elif dimension.type == "integer" and dimension.prior_name in [
dim_samples = self._sample_int_point(
elif dimension.type == "categorical" and dimension.prior_name == "choices":
dim_samples = self._sample_categorical_point(
elif dimension.type == "fidelity":
# fidelity dimension
trial = self.space.sample(1)[0]
dim_samples = flatten(trial.params)[dimension.name]
raise NotImplementedError()
params[dimension.name] = dim_samples
trial = format_trials.dict_to_trial(params, self.space)
return trial
def _sample_real_dimension(
dimension: Real,
below_points: Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
above_points: Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Sample values for real dimension"""
if any(map(dimension.prior_name.endswith, ["uniform", "reciprocal"])):
return self._sample_real_point(
raise NotImplementedError(
f"Prior {dimension.prior_name} is not supported for real values"
def _sample_loguniform_real_point(
self, dimension: Real, below_points: numpy.ndarray, above_points: numpy.ndarray
) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Sample one value for real dimension in a loguniform way"""
return self._sample_real_point(
dimension, below_points, above_points, is_log=True
def _sample_real_point(
dimension: Real,
below_points: numpy.ndarray | Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
above_points: numpy.ndarray | Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
is_log: bool = False,
) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Sample one value for real dimension based on the observed good and bad points"""
low, high = dimension.interval()
below_points = numpy.array(below_points)
above_points = numpy.array(above_points)
if is_log:
low = numpy.log(low)
high = numpy.log(high)
below_points = numpy.log(below_points)
above_points = numpy.log(above_points)
below_mus, below_sigmas, below_weights = adaptive_parzen_estimator(
above_mus, above_sigmas, above_weights = adaptive_parzen_estimator(
gmm_sampler_below = GMMSampler(
gmm_sampler_above = GMMSampler(
candidate_points = gmm_sampler_below.sample(self.n_ei_candidates)
lik_blow = gmm_sampler_below.get_loglikelis(candidate_points)
lik_above = gmm_sampler_above.get_loglikelis(candidate_points)
new_point = compute_max_ei_point(candidate_points, lik_blow, lik_above)
if is_log:
new_point = numpy.exp(new_point)
return new_point
def _sample_int_point(
dimension: Integer,
below_points: numpy.ndarray | Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
above_points: numpy.ndarray | Sequence[numpy.ndarray],
"""Sample one value for integer dimension based on the observed good and bad points"""
low, high = dimension.interval()
assert isinstance(low, int)
assert isinstance(high, int)
choices = range(low, high + 1)
below_points = numpy.array(below_points).astype(int) - low
above_points = numpy.array(above_points).astype(int) - low
sampler_below = CategoricalSampler(self, below_points, choices)
candidate_points = sampler_below.sample(self.n_ei_candidates)
sampler_above = CategoricalSampler(self, above_points, choices)
lik_below = sampler_below.get_loglikelis(candidate_points)
lik_above = sampler_above.get_loglikelis(candidate_points)
new_point: numpy.ndarray = compute_max_ei_point(
candidate_points, lik_below, lik_above
new_point = new_point + low
return new_point
def _sample_categorical_point(self, dimension, below_points, above_points):
"""Sample one value for categorical dimension based on the observed good and bad points"""
choices = dimension.interval()
below_points = [choices.index(point) for point in below_points]
above_points = [choices.index(point) for point in above_points]
sampler_below = CategoricalSampler(self, below_points, choices)
candidate_points = sampler_below.sample(self.n_ei_candidates)
sampler_above = CategoricalSampler(self, above_points, choices)
lik_below = sampler_below.get_loglikelis(candidate_points)
lik_above = sampler_above.get_loglikelis(candidate_points)
new_point_index = compute_max_ei_point(candidate_points, lik_below, lik_above)
new_point = choices[new_point_index]
return new_point
[docs] def split_trials(self) -> tuple[list[Trial], list[Trial]]:
"""Split the observed trials into good and bad ones based on the ratio `gamma``"""
trials: list[Trial] = []
for trial in self.registry:
if trial.status != "completed":
trial = self.strategy.infer(trial)
if trial is not None:
# NOTE: This assumes that all trials have an objective. Making assumption explicit.
assert all(trial.objective is not None for trial in trials)
sorted_trials = sorted(trials, key=lambda trial: trial.objective.value) # type: ignore
split_index = int(numpy.ceil(self.gamma * len(sorted_trials)))
below = sorted_trials[:split_index]
above = sorted_trials[split_index:]
return below, above
[docs]class GMMSampler:
"""Gaussian Mixture Model Sampler for TPE algorithm
tpe: `TPE` algorithm
The tpe algorithm object which this sampler will be part of.
mus: list
mus for each Gaussian components in the GMM.
Default: ``None``
sigmas: list
sigmas for each Gaussian components in the GMM.
low: real
Lower bound of the sampled points.
high: real
Upper bound of the sampled points.
weights: list
Weights for each Gaussian components in the GMM
Default: ``None``
base_attempts: int, optional
Base number of attempts to sample points within `low` and `high` bounds.
Defaults to 10.
attempts_factor: int, optional
If sampling always falls out of bound try again with `attempts` * `attempts_factor`.
Defaults to 10.
max_attempts: int, optional
If sampling always falls out of bound try again with `attempts` * `attempts_factor`
up to `max_attempts` (inclusive).
Defaults to 10000.
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
def __init__(
tpe: TPE,
mus: Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray,
sigmas: Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray,
low: float,
high: float,
weights: Sequence[float] | numpy.ndarray | None = None,
base_attempts: int = 10,
attempts_factor: int = 10,
max_attempts: int = 10000,
self.tpe = tpe
self.mus = mus
self.sigmas = sigmas
self.low = low
self.high = high
self.weights = weights if weights is not None else len(mus) * [1.0 / len(mus)]
self.base_attempts = base_attempts
self.attempts_factor = attempts_factor
self.max_attempts = max_attempts
self.pdfs: list[rv_frozen] = []
def _build_mixture(self) -> None:
"""Build the Gaussian components in the GMM"""
for mu, sigma in zip(self.mus, self.sigmas):
self.pdfs.append(norm(mu, sigma))
[docs] def sample(self, num: int = 1, attempts: int | None = None) -> list[numpy.ndarray]:
"""Sample required number of points"""
if attempts is None:
attempts = self.base_attempts
point: list[numpy.ndarray] = []
for _ in range(num):
pdf = numpy.argmax(self.tpe.rng.multinomial(1, self.weights))
attempts_tried = 0
index: int | None = None
while attempts_tried < attempts:
new_points: numpy.ndarray = self.pdfs[pdf].rvs(
size=attempts, random_state=self.tpe.rng
valid_points = (self.low <= new_points) * (self.high >= new_points)
if any(valid_points):
index = numpy.argmax(valid_points)
index = None
attempts_tried += 1
if index is None and attempts >= self.max_attempts:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Failed to sample in interval ({self.low}, {self.high})"
elif index is None:
self.sample(num=1, attempts=attempts * self.attempts_factor)[0]
return point
[docs] def get_loglikelis(
self, points: numpy.ndarray | list[numpy.ndarray] | Sequence[Sequence[float]]
) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Return the log likelihood for the points"""
points = numpy.array(points)
weight_likelis_list = [
numpy.log(self.weights[i] * pdf.pdf(points))
for i, pdf in enumerate(self.pdfs)
weight_likelis = numpy.array(weight_likelis_list)
# (num_weights, num_points) => (num_points, num_weights)
weight_likelis = weight_likelis.transpose()
# log-sum-exp trick
max_likeli = numpy.nanmax(weight_likelis, axis=1)
point_likeli = max_likeli + numpy.log(
numpy.nansum(numpy.exp(weight_likelis - max_likeli[:, None]), axis=1)
return point_likeli
[docs]class CategoricalSampler:
"""Categorical Sampler for discrete integer and categorical choices
tpe: `TPE` algorithm
The tpe algorithm object which this sampler will be part of.
observations: list
Observed values in the dimension
choices: list
Candidate values for the dimension
def __init__(
tpe: TPE,
observations: Sequence | numpy.ndarray,
choices: Sequence | numpy.ndarray,
self.tpe = tpe
self.obs = observations
self.choices = choices
self.weights: numpy.ndarray
def _build_multinomial_weights(self) -> None:
"""Build weights for categorical distribution based on observations"""
weights_obs = ramp_up_weights(
len(self.obs), self.tpe.full_weight_num, self.tpe.equal_weight
counts_obs = numpy.bincount(
self.obs, minlength=len(self.choices), weights=weights_obs
counts_obs = counts_obs + self.tpe.prior_weight
self.weights = counts_obs / counts_obs.sum()
[docs] def sample(self, num: int = 1) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Sample required number of points"""
samples = self.tpe.rng.multinomial(n=1, pvals=self.weights, size=num)
assert samples.shape == (num,) + (len(self.weights),)
samples_index = samples.argmax(-1)
assert samples_index.shape == (num,)
return samples_index
[docs] def get_loglikelis(
self, points: numpy.ndarray | Sequence[numpy.ndarray]
) -> numpy.ndarray:
"""Return the log likelihood for the points"""
return numpy.log(numpy.asarray(self.weights)[points])