Commandline client

Helper function for returning results from script


Send interrupt signal to Oríon worker

orion.client.cli.report_bad_trial(objective=10000000000.0, name='objective', data=None)[source]

Report a bad trial with large objective to Oríon.

This is especially useful if some parameter values lead to exceptions such as out of memory. Reporting a large objective from such trials will push algorithms towards valid configurations.


To be called only once in order to report a final evaluation of a particular trial.


Oríon is only minimizing. Make sure to report a metric that you seek to minimize.


In case that user’s script is not running in a orion’s context, this function will act as a Python print function.

objective: float

Objective the return to Oríon for the current trial. The default objective is 1e10. This may not be valid for some metrics and this value should be overridden accordingly. In the case of error rates for instance, the value should be 1.0.

name: str, optional

Name of the objective. Default is ‘objective’.

data: list of dict, optional

A list of dictionary representing the results in the form dict(name=result_name, type=’statistic’, value=0). The types supported are ‘contraint’, ‘gradient’ and ‘statistic’.

orion.client.cli.report_objective(objective, name='objective')[source]

Report only the objective at the end of execution

To send more data (statistic, constraint, gradient), use report_results.


To be called only once in order to report a final evaluation of a particular trial.


Oríon is only minimizing. Make sure to report a metric that you seek to minimize.


In case that user’s script is not running in a orion’s context, this function will act as a Python print function.

objective: float

Objective the return to Oríon for the current trial.

name: str, optional

Name of the objective. Default is ‘objective’.


Facilitate the reporting of results for a user’s script acting as a black-box computation.


To be called only once in order to report a final evaluation of a particular trial.


Oríon is only minimizing. Make sure to report a metric that you seek to minimize.


In case that user’s script is not running in a orion’s context, this function will act as a Python print function.

data: list of dict

A list of dictionary representing the results in the form dict(name=result_name, type=’statistic’, value=0). The types supported are ‘objective’, ‘contraint’, ‘gradient’ and ‘statistic’. The list should contain at least one ‘objective’, which is the metric the algorithm will be minimizing.