Source code for orion.core.utils.format_terminal

Utility functions for formatting prints to terminal

Functions to build strings for terminal prints










[docs]def format_info(experiment): """Render a string for all info of experiment""" info_string = INFO_TEMPLATE.format( identification=format_identification(experiment), commandline=format_commandline(experiment), configuration=format_config(experiment), algorithm=format_algorithm(experiment), space=format_space(experiment), metadata=format_metadata(experiment), refers=format_refers(experiment), stats=format_stats(experiment), ) return info_string
TITLE_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} {empty:=<{title_len}}\ """
[docs]def format_title(title): """Render a title above an horizontal bar""" title_string = TITLE_TEMPLATE.format(title=title, title_len=len(title), empty="") return title_string
DICT_EMPTY_LEAF_TEMPLATE = "{tab}{key}\n" DICT_LEAF_TEMPLATE = "{tab}{key}: {value}\n" DICT_NODE_TEMPLATE = "{tab}{key}:\n{value}\n"
[docs]def format_dict(dictionary, depth=0, width=4, templates=None): r"""Render a dict on multiple lines Parameters ---------- dictionary: dict The dictionary to render depth: int Tab added at the beginning of every lines width: int Size of the tab added to each line, multiplied by the depth of the object in the dict of dicts. templates: dict Templates for `empty_leaf`, `leaf` and `dict_node`. Default is `empty_leaf="{tab}{key}"` `leaf="{tab}{key}: {value}\n"` `dict_node="{tab}{key}:\n{value}\n"` Examples -------- >>> print(format_dict({1: {2: 3, 3: 4}, 2: {3: 4, 4: {5: 6}}})) 1: 2: 3 3: 4 2: 3: 4 4: 5: 6 >>> templates = {'leaf': '{tab}{key}={value}\n', 'dict_node': '{tab}{key}:\n{value}\n'} >>> print(format_dict({1: {2: 3, 3: 4}, 2: {3: 4, 4: {5: 6}}}, templates=templates)) 1: 2=3 3=4 2: 3=4 4: 5=6 """ if isinstance(dictionary, (list, tuple)): return format_list(dictionary, depth, width=width, templates=templates) # To avoid using mutable objects as default values in function signature. if templates is None: templates = {} empty_leaf_template = templates.get("empty_leaf", DICT_EMPTY_LEAF_TEMPLATE) leaf_template = templates.get("leaf", DICT_LEAF_TEMPLATE) node_template = templates.get("dict_node", DICT_NODE_TEMPLATE) dict_string = "" for key in sorted(dictionary.keys()): tab = " " * (depth * width) value = dictionary[key] if isinstance(value, (dict, list, tuple)): if not value: dict_string += empty_leaf_template.format(tab=tab, key=key) else: subdict_string = format_dict( value, depth + 1, width=width, templates=templates ) dict_string += node_template.format( tab=tab, key=key, value=subdict_string ) else: dict_string += leaf_template.format(tab=tab, key=key, value=value) return dict_string.replace(" \n", "\n").rstrip("\n")
LIST_TEMPLATE = """\ {tab}[ {items} {tab}]\ """ LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE = "{tab}{item}\n" LIST_NODE_TEMPLATE = "{item}\n"
[docs]def format_list(a_list, depth=0, width=4, templates=None): r"""Render a list on multiple lines Parameters ---------- a_list: list The list to render depth: int Tab added at the beginning of every lines width: int Size of the tab added to each line, multiplied by the depth of the object in the list of lists. templates: dict Templates for `list`, `item` and `list_node`. Default is `list="{tab}[\n{items}\n{tab}]"` `item="{tab}{item}\n"` `list_node="{item}\n"` Examples -------- >>> print(format_list([1, [2, 3], 4, [5, 6, 7, 8]])) [ 1 [ 2 3 ] 4 [ 5 6 7 8 ] ] >>> templates = {} >>> templates['list'] = '{tab}\n{items}\n{tab}' >>> templates['item'] = '{tab}- {item}\n' >>> templates['list_node'] = '{tab}{item}\n' >>> print(format_list([1, [2, 3], 4, [5, 6, 7, 8]], width=2, templates=templates)) - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 """ # To avoid using mutable objects as default values in function signature. if templates is None: templates = {} list_template = templates.get("list", LIST_TEMPLATE) item_template = templates.get("item", LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE) node_template = templates.get("list_node", LIST_NODE_TEMPLATE) tab = " " * (depth * width) list_string = "" for i, item in enumerate(a_list, 1): subtab = " " * ((depth + 1) * width) if isinstance(item, (dict, list, tuple)): item_string = format_dict(item, depth + 1, width=width, templates=templates) list_string += node_template.format(tab=subtab, id=i, item=item_string) else: list_string += item_template.format(tab=subtab, id=i, item=item) return list_template.format(tab=tab, items=list_string.rstrip("\n"))
ID_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} name: {name} version: {version} user: {user} """
[docs]def format_identification(experiment): """Render a string for identification section""" identification_string = ID_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Identification"),, version=experiment.version, user=experiment.metadata["user"], ) return identification_string
COMMANDLINE_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} {commandline} """
[docs]def format_commandline(experiment): """Render a string for commandline section""" if "user_args" not in experiment.metadata: return "" commandline_string = COMMANDLINE_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Commandline"), commandline=" ".join(experiment.metadata["user_args"]), ) return commandline_string
CONFIG_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} max trials: {experiment.max_trials} max broken: {experiment.max_broken} working dir: {experiment.working_dir} """
[docs]def format_config(experiment): """Render a string for config section""" config_string = CONFIG_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Config"), experiment=experiment ) return config_string
ALGORITHM_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} {configuration} """
[docs]def format_algorithm(experiment): """Render a string for algorithm section""" algorithm_string = ALGORITHM_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Algorithm"), configuration=format_dict(experiment.configuration["algorithm"]), ) return algorithm_string
SPACE_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} {params} """
[docs]def format_space(experiment): """Render a string for space section""" space_string = SPACE_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Space"), params="\n".join( name + ": " +[name].get_prior_string() for name in ), ) return space_string
METADATA_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} user: {experiment.metadata[user]} datetime: {experiment.metadata[datetime]} orion version: {experiment.metadata[orion_version]} VCS: {vcs} """
[docs]def format_metadata(experiment): """Render a string for metadata section""" metadata_string = METADATA_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Meta-data"), experiment=experiment, vcs=format_dict(experiment.metadata.get("VCS", {}), depth=1, width=2), ) return metadata_string
REFERS_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} root:{root} parent:{parent} adapter:{adapter} """
[docs]def format_refers(experiment): """Render a string for refers section""" if experiment.node.root is experiment.node: root = "" parent = "" adapter = "" else: root = parent = adapter = "\n" + format_dict( experiment.refers["adapter"].configuration, depth=1, width=2 ) refers_string = REFERS_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Parent experiment"), root=(" " + root) if root else "", parent=(" " + parent) if parent else "", adapter=adapter, ) return refers_string
STATS_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} completed: {is_done} trials completed: {stats.trials_completed} best trial: id: {stats.best_trials_id} evaluation: {stats.best_evaluation} params: {best_params} start time: {stats.start_time} finish time: {stats.finish_time} elapsed_time: {stats.elapsed_time} """ NO_STATS_TEMPLATE = """\ {title} No trials executed... """
[docs]def format_stats(experiment): """Render a string for stat section Parameters ---------- experiment: `orion.core.worker.experiment.Experiment` templates: dict templates for the title and `stats`. See `format_title` for more info. """ stats = experiment.stats if not stats.trials_completed: return NO_STATS_TEMPLATE.format(title=format_title("Stats")) best_params = get_trial_params(stats.best_trials_id, experiment) stats_string = STATS_TEMPLATE.format( title=format_title("Stats"), stats=stats, best_params=format_dict(best_params, depth=2, width=2), is_done=experiment.is_done, ) return stats_string
[docs]def get_trial_params(trial_id, experiment): """Get params from trial_id in given experiment""" best_trial = experiment.get_trial(uid=trial_id) if not best_trial: return {} return best_trial.params