Source code for orion.core.cli.db.rm

#!/usr/bin/env python
Module running the rm command

Delete experiments and trials from the database

import argparse
import logging
import sys

from import experiment_builder
from orion.core.utils.pptree import print_tree
from orion.core.utils.terminal import confirm_name

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

All experiments above and their corresponding trials will be deleted.
To select a specific version use --version <VERSION>. Note that all
children of a given version will be deleted. Oríon cannot delete a
parent experiment without deleting the children.
To delete trials only, use --status <STATUS>.

Make sure to stop any worker currently executing one of these experiment.

To proceed, type again the name of the experiment: """

Matching trials of all experiments above will be deleted.
To select a specific version use --version <VERSION>.
Note that trials of all children of a given version will be deleted.

Make sure to stop any worker currently executing one of these experiment.

To proceed, type again the name of the experiment: """

Command to delete experiments and trials.

To delete an experiment and its trials, simply give the experiment's name.
$ orion db rm my-exp-name

To delete only trials that are broken, simply add --status broken.
Note that the experiment will not be deleted, only the trials.
$ orion db rm my-exp-name --status broken

Or --status * to delete all trials of the experiment.
$ orion db rm my-exp-name --status *

By default, the last version of the experiment is deleted. Add --version
to select a prior version. Note that all child of the selected version
will be deleted as well. You cannot delete a parent experiment without
deleting the child experiments.
$ orion db rm my-exp-name --version 1

[docs]def add_subparser(parser): """Return the parser that needs to be used for this command""" rm_parser = parser.add_parser( "rm", description=DESCRIPTION, help="Deletes experiments and trials", formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, ) rm_parser.set_defaults(func=main) rm_parser.add_argument("name", help="Name of the experiment to delete.") rm_parser.add_argument( "-c", "--config", type=argparse.FileType("r"), metavar="path-to-config", help="user provided " "orion configuration file", ) rm_parser.add_argument( "-v", "--version", type=int, default=None, help="specific version of experiment to fetch; " "(default: last version matching.)", ) rm_parser.add_argument( "-s", "--status", help="Remove all trials of the experiment with the given status " "(Will not delete the experiment). " "Also supports --status=* to delete all trials of a given experiment.", ) rm_parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="Force delete without asking to enter experiment name twice.", ) return rm_parser
[docs]def process_trial_rm(storage, root, status): """Delete the matching trials of the given experiment.""" trials_total = 0 for node in root: if status == "*": query = {} else: query = {"status": status} count = storage.delete_trials(, where=query) logger.debug( "%d trials deleted in experiment %s-v%d", count,, node.item.version, ) trials_total += count print(f"{trials_total} trials deleted")
[docs]def process_exp_rm(storage, root): """Delete the given experiment node and all its children.""" trials_total = 0 exp_total = 0 for node in root: count = storage.delete_trials( trials_total += count logger.debug( "%d trials deleted in experiment %s-v%d", count,, node.item.version, ) count = storage.delete_algorithm_lock( logger.debug( "%s algorithm lock for experiment %s-v%d deleted", count,, node.item.version, ) count = storage.delete_experiment( logger.debug( "%s experiment %s-v%d deleted", count,, node.item.version ) exp_total += count print(f"{trials_total} trials deleted") print(f"{exp_total} experiments deleted")
[docs]def delete_experiments(storage, root, name, force): """Delete matching experiments after user confirmation.""" confirmed = confirm_name(EXP_RM_MESSAGE, name, force) if not confirmed: print("Confirmation failed, aborting operation.") sys.exit(1) process_exp_rm(storage, root)
[docs]def delete_trials(storage, root, name, status, force): """Delete all matching trials after user confirmation.""" confirmed = confirm_name(TRIALS_RM_MESSAGE, name, force) if not confirmed: print("Confirmation failed, aborting operation.") sys.exit(1) process_trial_rm(storage, root, status)
[docs]def main(args): """Remove the experiment(s) or trial(s).""" config = experiment_builder.get_cmd_config(args) builder = experiment_builder.ExperimentBuilder(config.get("storage")) # Find root experiment root = builder.load(name=args["name"], version=args.get("version", None)).node # List all experiments with children print_tree(root, nameattr="tree_name") storage = if args["status"]: delete_trials(storage, root, args["name"], args["status"], args["force"]) else: delete_experiments(storage, root, args["name"], args["force"])