Source code for orion.core.utils.tree

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tree data structure

TreeNode is a generic class which can carry arbitrary python objects. It comes with basic methods to
set parent and children. A method `map` allows to apply functions recursively on the tree in a
generic manner.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence, TypeVar

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
T = TypeVar("T")
V = TypeVar("V")

# TypeVar used in methods that return an object of the same type as `self` (also for subclasses of
# `TreeNode`).
Self = TypeVar("Self", bound="TreeNode")
NodeType = TypeVar("NodeType", bound="TreeNode")

# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class PreOrderTraversal(Iterable[NodeType]): """Iterate on a tree in a pre-order traversal fashion Attributes ---------- stack: list of `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode` Nodes logged during iteration """ __slots__ = ("stack",) def __init__(self, tree_node: NodeType): """Initialize the stack for iteration""" self.stack = [tree_node] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[NodeType]: """Get the iterator""" return self def __next__(self) -> NodeType: """Get the next node in pre-order traversal""" try: node = self.stack.pop() except IndexError: raise StopIteration self.stack += node.children[::-1] return node
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class DepthFirstTraversal(Iterable[NodeType]): """Iterate on a tree in a pre-order traversal fashion Attributes ---------- stack: list of `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode` Nodes logged during iteration seen: set of `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode` Nodes which have been returned during iteration """ __slots__ = ("stack", "seen") def __init__(self, tree_node: NodeType): """Initialize the stack and set of seen nodes for iteration""" self.stack = [tree_node] self.seen: set[NodeType] = set() def _compute_potential(self) -> list[NodeType]: """Filter out seen nodes from the stack""" if not self.stack: return [] return list(filter(lambda n: n not in self.seen, self.stack[-1].children)) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[NodeType]: """Get the iterator""" return self def __next__(self) -> NodeType: """Get the next node in depth-first traversal""" potential = self._compute_potential() while self.stack and potential: self.stack.extend(potential[::-1]) potential = self._compute_potential() try: node = self.stack.pop() except IndexError: raise StopIteration self.seen.add(node) return node
[docs]class TreeNode(Generic[T], Iterable[T]): r"""Tree node data structure Nodes have an attribute item to carry arbitrary information. A node may only have one parent and can have as many children as desired. Parents can be set at initialiation or via `node.set_parent`. Setting a parent automatically set the current node as the child of the parent. Children can be set at initialiation or via `node.add_children`. Setting children automatically set their parent as the current node. Tree of nodes are iterable, by default with preorder traversal. .. seealso:: `orion.core.utils.tree.PreOrderTraversal` `orion.core.utils.tree.DepthFirstTraversal` Attributes ---------- item: T Can be anything parent: None or instance of `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode` The parent of the current node, None if the current node is the root. children: None or list of instances of `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode` The children of the curent node. root: instance of `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode` The top node of the current tree. The root node returns itself. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: a = TreeNode("a") b = TreeNode("b", a) c = TreeNode("c", a) d = TreeNode("d", a) e = TreeNode("e", a) f = TreeNode("f", b) g = TreeNode("g", b) h = TreeNode("h", e) # Gives this tree # a # | \ \ \ # b c d e # | \ | # f g h g.set_parent(e) # Gives this tree # a # | \ \ \ # b c d e # | | \ # f h g c.add_children(h, g) # Gives this tree # a # | \ \ \ # b c d e # | | \ # f h g a.drop_children(c) # Gives this tree # a # | \ \ # b d e # | # f """ __slots__ = ("_item", "_parent", "_children") def __init__( self: Self, item: T, parent: Self | None = None, children: Sequence[Self] = tuple(), ): """Initialize node with item, parent and children .. seealso:: :class:`orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode` for information about the attributes """ self._item: T = item self._parent: Self | None = None self._children: list[Self] = [] if parent is not None: self.set_parent(parent) if children: self.add_children(*children) @property def item(self) -> T: """Get item of the node which may contain arbitrary objects""" return self._item @item.setter def item(self, new_item: T) -> None: """Set item of the node with arbitrary objects""" self._item = new_item @property def parent(self: Self) -> Self | None: """Get parent of the node, None if no parent""" return self._parent
[docs] def drop_parent(self) -> None: """Drop the parent of the node, do nothing if no parent Note that the node will be removed from the children of the parent as well """ if self.parent is not None: assert self._parent is not None self._parent.drop_children(self)
[docs] def set_parent(self: Self, node: Self) -> None: """Set the parent of the node Note that setting a new parent will have the effect of dropping the previous parent, hence dropping this current node from the previous parent's children list. .. seealso:: `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode.drop_parent` """ if node is self.parent: return if node is not None and not isinstance(node, TreeNode): raise TypeError("Cannot set parent to %s" % str(node)) if self.parent is not None: self.drop_parent() if node is not None: node.add_children(self)
@property def children(self: Self) -> list[Self]: """Get children of the node, empty list if no children""" return self._children
[docs] def drop_children(self: Self, *nodes: Self) -> None: """Drop the children of the node, do nothing if no parent If no nodes are passed, the method will drop all the children of the current node. Note that the parent of the given node will be removed as well Raises ------ ValueError If one of the given nodes is not a children of the current node. """ if not nodes: nodes = tuple(self.children) for child in list(nodes): del self._children[self._children.index(child)] # pylint: disable=protected-access child._parent = None
[docs] def add_children(self: Self, *nodes: Self) -> None: """Add children to the current node Note that added children will have their parent set to the current node as well. .. seealso:: `orion.core.utils.tree.TreeNode.drop_children` """ for child in nodes: if child is not None and not isinstance(child, TreeNode): raise TypeError(f"Cannot add {child} to children") if child not in self._children: # TreeNode.set_parent uses add_children so using it here could cause an infinit # recursion. add_children() gets the dirty job done. child.drop_parent() # pylint: disable=protected-access child._parent = self self._children.append(child)
@property def root(self) -> TreeNode[T]: """Get the root of the tree Root node returns itself """ if self.parent is None: return self return self.parent.root @property def leafs(self: Self) -> list[Self]: """Get the leafs of the tree""" leaves: list[Self] = [] for child in self.children: leaves += child.leafs if not leaves: return [self] return leaves @property def node_depth(self) -> int: """The depth of the node in the tree with respect to the root node.""" if self.parent: return self.parent.node_depth + 1 return 0
[docs] def get_nodes_at_depth(self: Self, depth: int) -> list[Self]: """Returns a list of nodes at the corresponding depth. Depth is relative to current node. To get nodes at a depth relative to the root, use ``node.root.get_nodes_at_depth(depth)``. """ def has_depth( node: TreeNode[T], children: Sequence[TreeNode[T]] ) -> tuple[Sequence[TreeNode[T]], Sequence[TreeNode[T]] | None]: if node.node_depth - self.node_depth == depth: return [node], None return [], children nodes =, self.children) return sum([node.item for node in nodes], [])
# NOTE: Would be nice to type-annotate this method with overloads, but it's really tough.
[docs] def map( self, function: Callable, node: TreeNode[T] | Sequence[TreeNode[T]] | None, ) -> TreeNode: r"""Apply a function recursively on the tree The function can be applied upwards on parents or downwards on children. The direction is defined by passing self.parent or self.children as the node argument. Parameters ---------- function : callable Callable object to which will be passed the current node plus the parent node or the children nodes, depending on the direction of function application. If map on parents, callable(self, rval_parent_node) If map on children, callable(self, rval_children_nodes). Note that the callable object is expected to return an object which will be set as the current node's item (in the resulting tree), and the parent node or the children nodes depending on the direction of function application. node: None, `orion.core.evc.TreeNode` or list Can be either `None`: function is applied on current node only `self.parent`: function is applied recursively climbing up the tree until the root `self.children`: function is applied recursively going down the tree until the leafs Examples -------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: # Tree structure # a # | \ \ \ # b c d e # | \ | # f g h # root = TreeNode(1) b = TreeNode(1, root) TreeNode(1, root) TreeNode(1, root) e = TreeNode(1, root) f = TreeNode(1, b) TreeNode(1, b) h = TreeNode(1, e) def increment(node, children): for child in TreeNode(0, None, children): child.item += 1 return node.item + 1, children # Should return # # 2 # | \ \ \ # 3 3 3 3 # | \ | # 4 4 4 rval =, root.children) assert [node.item for node in rval] == [2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4] def increment_parent(node, parent): if parent is not None: for parent in parent.root: parent.item += 1 return node.item + 1, parent # Should return # # 4 # | # 3 # | # 2 rval =, f.parent) assert [node.item for node in rval.root] == [4, 3, 2] rval =, h.parent) assert [node.item for node in rval.root] == [4, 3, 2] """ if node is None: rval, _ = function(self, None) return TreeNode(rval) elif node is self.parent: assert node is not None assert isinstance(node, TreeNode) rval_parent_node =, node.parent) rval, parent_node = function(self, rval_parent_node) return TreeNode(rval, parent_node) elif node is self.children: rval_children_nodes = [, child.children) for child in self.children ] rval, children_nodes = function(self, rval_children_nodes) return TreeNode(rval, parent=None, children=children_nodes) else: raise ValueError("Invalid nodes: %s" % str(node))
def __iter__(self: Self) -> PreOrderTraversal[Self]: """Iterate on the tree with pre-order traversal""" return PreOrderTraversal(self) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Represent the object as a string.""" parent_item = self.parent.item if self.parent is not None else None children = [child.item for child in self.children] return "%s(%s, parent=%s, children=%s)" % ( self.__class__.__name__, str(self.item), str(parent_item), str(children), )
[docs]def flattened(trials_tree: TreeNode[T]) -> list[T]: """Get a list of the tree items in pre-order traversal""" return [node.item for node in trials_tree]