class orion.algo.dehb.dehb.DEHB(space: Space, seed: int | None = None, mutation_factor: float = 0.5, crossover_prob: float = 0.5, mutation_strategy: str = 'rand1', crossover_strategy: str = 'bin', boundary_fix_type: str = 'random', min_clip: int | None = None, max_clip: int | None = None)[source]

Differential Evolution with HyperBand

This class is a wrapper around the librairy DEHB:

For more information on the algorithm, see original paper at

Awad, Noor, Neeratyoy Mallik, and Frank Hutter. “Dehb: Evolutionary hyperband for scalable, robust and efficient hyperparameter optimization.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.09821 (2021).

space: ``

Optimisation space with priors for each dimension.

seed: None, int or sequence of int

Seed for the random number generator used to sample new trials. Default: None

mutation_factor: float

Mutation probability Default: 0.5

crossover_prob: float

Crossover probability Default: 0.5

mutation_strategy: str

Mutation strategy rand1, rand2dir randtobest1 currenttobest1 best1 best2 rand2 Default: 'rand1'

crossover_strategy: str

Crossover strategy bin or exp Default: 'bin'

boundary_fix_type: str

Boundary fix method, clip or random Default: 'random'

min_clip: float

Min clip when boundary fix method is clip Default: None

max_clip: float

Max clip when boundary fix method is clip Default: None


Return True, if an algorithm holds that there can be no further improvement.


Return a state dict that can be used to reset the state of the algorithm.



Observe the trials new state of result.


Observe a single trial

sample_to_trial(sample, fidelity)

Convert a ConfigSpace sample into a trial


Seed the state of the random number generator.


Reset the state of the algorithm based on the given state_dict


Suggest a number of new sets of parameters.

property is_done: bool

Return True, if an algorithm holds that there can be no further improvement.

observe(trials: list[Trial]) None[source]

Observe the trials new state of result.

trials: list of ``orion.core.worker.trial.Trial``

Trials from a

observe_one(trial: Trial) None[source]

Observe a single trial

sample_to_trial(sample: ndarray, fidelity: int) Trial[source]

Convert a ConfigSpace sample into a trial

seed_rng(seed: int | None) None[source]

Seed the state of the random number generator.

seed: int or None

Integer seed for the random number generator.

set_state(state_dict: dict) None[source]

Reset the state of the algorithm based on the given state_dict


state_dict – Dictionary representing state of an algorithm

property state_dict: dict

Return a state dict that can be used to reset the state of the algorithm.

suggest(num: int) list[Trial][source]

Suggest a number of new sets of parameters.

num: int, optional

Number of trials to suggest. The algorithm may return less than the number of trials requested.

list of trials or None

A list of trials representing values suggested by the algorithm. The algorithm may opt out if it cannot make a good suggestion at the moment (it may be waiting for other trials to complete), in which case it will return None.


New parameters must be compliant with the problem’s domain

Specialization of SHBracketManager to support duplicated trials

class orion.algo.dehb.brackets.SHBracketManager(n_configs: numpy.ndarray, budgets: numpy.ndarray, bracket_id: int, duplicates: defaultdict[str, int])[source]

Override the default implementation to ignore duplicated trials in budget accounting



Notifies the bracket that a job for a budget has been completed This function must be called when a config for a budget has finished evaluation to inform the Bracket Manager that no job needs to be waited for and the next rung can begin for the synchronous Successive Halving case.

complete_job(budget: int) None[source]

Notifies the bracket that a job for a budget has been completed This function must be called when a config for a budget has finished evaluation to inform the Bracket Manager that no job needs to be waited for and the next rung can begin for the synchronous Successive Halving case.