Source code for orion.benchmark.task.profet.profet_task

""" Base class for Tasks that are generated using the Profet algorithm.

For more information on Profet, see original paper at

Klein, Aaron, Zhenwen Dai, Frank Hutter, Neil Lawrence, and Javier Gonzalez. "Meta-surrogate
benchmarking for hyperparameter optimization." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32
(2019): 6270-6280.
import os
import random
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import asdict
from logging import getLogger as get_logger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union, overload

import numpy as np

    import torch
    from torch.distributions import Normal
except ImportError as err:
            f"The `profet` extras needs to be installed in order to use the Profet tasks.\n"
            f"Error: {err}\n"
            f"Use `pip install orion[profet]` to install the profet extras."
from import Space
from orion.benchmark.task.base import BenchmarkTask
from orion.benchmark.task.profet.model_utils import MetaModelConfig
from import SpaceBuilder
from orion.core.utils import compute_identity
from orion.core.utils.flatten import flatten
from orion.core.utils.format_trials import dict_to_trial
from orion.core.worker import transformer
from orion.core.worker.trial import Trial

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]@contextmanager def make_reproducible(seed: int): """Makes the random operations within a block of code reproducible for a given seed.""" # First: Get the starting random state, and restore it after. start_random_state = random.getstate() start_np_rng_state = np.random.get_state() with torch.random.fork_rng(): # Set the random state, using the given seed. random.seed(seed) np_seed = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) np.random.seed(np_seed) torch_seed = random.randint(0, 2**32 - 1) torch.random.manual_seed(torch_seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(torch_seed) yield # Restore the random state to the original state. np.random.set_state(start_np_rng_state) random.setstate(start_random_state)
[docs]class ProfetTask(BenchmarkTask, ABC): """Base class for Tasks that are generated using the Profet algorithm. For more information on Profet, see original paper at Klein, Aaron, Zhenwen Dai, Frank Hutter, Neil Lawrence, and Javier Gonzalez. "Meta-surrogate benchmarking for hyperparameter optimization." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (2019): 6270-6280. Parameters ---------- max_trials : int, optional Max number of trials to run, by default 100 input_dir : Union[Path, str], optional Input directory containing the data used to train the meta-model, by default None. checkpoint_dir : Union[Path, str], optional Directory used to save/load trained meta-models, by default None. model_config : MetaModelConfig, optional Configuration options for the training of the meta-model, by default None device : str, optional The device to use for training, by default None. with_grad : bool, optional Wether the task should also return the gradients of the objective function with respect to the inputs. Defaults to `False`. """ # Type of model config to use. Has to be overwritten by subclasses. ModelConfig: ClassVar[Type[MetaModelConfig]] = MetaModelConfig def __init__( self, max_trials: int = 100, input_dir: Union[Path, str] = "profet_data", checkpoint_dir: Union[Path, str] = None, model_config: MetaModelConfig = None, device: Union[str, Any] = None, with_grad: bool = False, ): super().__init__(max_trials=max_trials) self.input_dir = Path(input_dir) self.checkpoint_dir = Path(checkpoint_dir or self.input_dir / "checkpoints") # The config for the training of the meta-model. # NOTE: the train config is used to determine the hash of the task. if model_config is None: # NOTE: This type error is safe to ignore: the benchmark argument will have been set in # each ModelConfig subclass. self.model_config = self.ModelConfig() # type: ignore elif isinstance(model_config, dict): self.model_config = self.ModelConfig(**model_config) elif not isinstance(model_config, self.ModelConfig): # If passed a model config, for example through deserializing the configuration, # then convert it back to the right type, so the class attributes are correct. self.model_config = self.ModelConfig(**asdict(model_config)) else: self.model_config = model_config assert isinstance(self.model_config, self.ModelConfig) self.seed = self.model_config.seed self.with_grad = with_grad # The parameters that have an influence over the training of the meta-model are used to # create the filename where the model will be saved. task_hash_params = asdict(self.model_config)"Task hash params: {task_hash_params}") task_hash = compute_identity(**task_hash_params) filename = f"{task_hash}.pkl" self.checkpoint_file = self.checkpoint_dir / filename"Checkpoint file for this task: {self.checkpoint_file}") if isinstance(device, torch.device): self.device = device else: self.device = torch.device( device or ("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") ) # NOTE: Need to control the randomness that's happening inside *both* the training # function, as well as the loading function (since `load_task_network`` instantiates a model # and then loads the weights, it also affects the global rng state of pytorch). with make_reproducible(self.seed): if os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_file): f"Model has already been trained: loading it from file {self.checkpoint_file}." ), h = self.model_config.load_task_network(self.checkpoint_file) else: warnings.warn( RuntimeWarning( f"Checkpoint file {self.checkpoint_file} doesn't exist: re-training the " f"model. (This may take a *very* long time!)" ) )"Task hash params: {task_hash_params}") self.checkpoint_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Need to re-train the meta-model and sample this task., h = self.model_config.get_task_network(self.input_dir) # Numpy random state. Currently only used in `sample()` self._np_rng_state = np.random.RandomState(self.seed) self.h: np.ndarray = np.array(h) self.model_config.save_task_network(self.checkpoint_file,, self.h) =, dtype=torch.float32) self.h_tensor = torch.as_tensor(self.h, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) self._space: Optional[Space] = None = ( f"profet.{type(self).__qualname__.lower()}_{self.model_config.task_id}" ) self.transformed_space = transformer.build_required_space(, type_requirement="real", shape_requirement="flattened", dist_requirement="linear", ) @property def space(self) -> Space: if self._space is None: self._space = SpaceBuilder().build(self.get_search_space()) return self._space
[docs] def call(self, **kwargs) -> List[Dict]: """Get the value of the sampled objective function at the given point (hyper-parameters). If `self.with_grad` is set, also returns the gradient of the objective function with respect to the inputs. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Dictionary of hyper-parameters. Returns ------- List[Dict] Result dictionaries: objective and optionally gradient. Raises ------ ValueError If the input isn't of a supported type. """ # A bit of gymnastics to convert the params Dict into a PyTorch tensor. trial = dict_to_trial(kwargs, self._space) flattened_trial = self.transformed_space.transform(trial) flattened_params = flatten(flattened_trial.params) flattened_point = np.array( [flattened_params[key] for key in self.transformed_space.keys()] ) x_tensor = torch.as_tensor(flattened_point).type_as(self.h_tensor) if self.with_grad: x_tensor = x_tensor.requires_grad_(True) p_tensor =[x_tensor, self.h_tensor]) p_tensor = torch.atleast_2d(p_tensor) devices = [] if self.device.type == "cpu" else [self.device] # NOTE: Currently no way to locally seed the rng of torch distributions, hence forking the # rng for torch only here. with torch.random.fork_rng(devices=devices): torch.random.manual_seed(self.seed) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(self.seed) # Forward pass: out = y_mean, y_log_std = out[0, 0], out[0, 1] y_std = torch.exp(y_log_std) # NOTE: Here we create a distribution over `y`, and use `rsample()`, so that we get can # also return the gradients if need be. y_dist = Normal(loc=y_mean, scale=y_std) y_sample = y_dist.rsample() logger.debug(f"y_sample: {y_sample}") results: List[dict] = [ dict(, type="objective", value=y_sample.detach().cpu().item()) ] if self.with_grad: y_sample.backward() assert x_tensor.grad is not None results.append( dict(, type="gradient", value=x_tensor.grad.cpu().numpy()) ) return results
@property def configuration(self): """Return the configuration of the task.""" return { self.__class__.__qualname__: { "max_trials": self.max_trials, "input_dir": str(self.input_dir), "checkpoint_dir": str(self.checkpoint_dir), "model_config": asdict(self.model_config), "device": self.device.type, "with_grad": self.with_grad, } }