Source code for orion.core.worker.trial

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: skip-file
Container class for `Trial` entity

Describe a particular training run, parameters and results.

import copy
import hashlib
import logging

from orion.core.utils.exceptions import InvalidResult
from orion.core.utils.flatten import unflatten

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def validate_status(status): """ Verify if given status is valid. Can be one of ``new``, ``reserved``, ``suspended``, ``completed``, ``interrupted``, or ``broken``. """ if status is not None and status not in Trial.allowed_stati: raise ValueError( "Given status `{0}` not one of: {1}".format(status, Trial.allowed_stati) )
[docs]class Trial: """Represents an entry in database/trials collection. Attributes ---------- experiment : str Unique identifier for the experiment that produced this trial. Same as an `Experiment._id`. id_override: str Trial id returned by the database. It should be unique for a given set of parameters heartbeat : datetime.datetime Last time trial was identified as being alive. status : str Indicates how this trial is currently being used. Can take the following values: * 'new' : Denotes a fresh set of parameters suggested by an algorithm, not yet tried out. * 'reserved' : Indicates that this trial is currently being evaluated by a worker process, it was a 'new' trial that got selected. * 'suspended' : Means that an algorithm decided to stop the evaluation of a 'reserved' trial prematurely. * 'completed' : is the status of a previously 'reserved' trial that successfully got evaluated. `Trial.results` must contain the evaluation. * 'interrupted' : Indicates trials that are stopped from being evaluated by external *actors* (e.g. cluster timeout, KeyboardInterrupt, killing of the worker process). * 'broken' : Indicates a trial that was not successfully evaluated for not expected reason. worker : str Corresponds to worker's unique id that handled this trial. submit_time : `datetime.datetime` When was this trial suggested? start_time : `datetime.datetime` When was this trial first reserved? end_time : `datetime.datetime` When was this trial evaluated successfully? results : list of `Trial.Result` List of evaluated metrics for this particular set of params. One and only one of them is necessarily an *objective* function value. The other are *constraints*, the value of an expression desired to be larger/equal to 0. params : dict of params Dict of suggested values for the `Experiment` parameter space. Consists a sample to be evaluated. """
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, trial_entries): """Builder method for a list of trials. :param trial_entries: List of trial representation in dictionary form, as expected to be saved in a database. :returns: a list of corresponding `Trial` objects. """ trials = [] for entry in trial_entries: trials.append(cls(**entry)) return trials
[docs] class Value: """Container for a value object. Attributes ---------- name : str A possible named for the quality that this is quantifying. type : str An identifier with semantic importance for **Oríon**. See `Param.type` and `Result.type`. value : str or numerical value suggested for this dimension of the parameter space. """ __slots__ = ("name", "_type", "value") allowed_types = ()
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """See attributes of `Value` for possible argument for `kwargs`.""" for attrname in self.__slots__: setattr(self, attrname, None) for attrname, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, attrname, value) self._ensure_no_ndarray()
def _ensure_no_ndarray(self): """Make sure the current value is not a `numpy.ndarray`.""" if hasattr(self, "value") and hasattr(self.value, "tolist"): self.value = self.value.tolist()
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Needed to be able to convert `Value` to `dict` form.""" ret = dict(, type=self.type, value=self.value) return ret
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Test equality based on self.to_dict()""" return ( == and self.type == other.type and self.value == other.value )
[docs] def __str__(self): """Represent partially with a string.""" ret = "{0}(name={1}, type={2}, value={3})".format( type(self).__name__, repr(, repr(self.type), repr(self.value) ) return ret
__repr__ = __str__ @property def type(self): """For meaning of property type, see `Value.type`.""" return self._type @type.setter def type(self, type_): if type_ is not None and type_ not in self.allowed_types: raise ValueError( "Given type, {0}, not one of: {1}".format(type_, self.allowed_types) ) self._type = type_
[docs] class Result(Value): """Types for a `Result` can be either an evaluation of an 'objective' function or of an 'constraint' expression. """ __slots__ = () allowed_types = ("objective", "constraint", "gradient", "statistic", "lie")
[docs] class Param(Value): """Types for a `Param` can be either an integer (discrete value), floating precision numerical or a categorical expression (e.g. a string). """ __slots__ = () allowed_types = ("integer", "real", "categorical", "fidelity")
__slots__ = ( "experiment", "_id", "_status", "worker", "_working_dir", "heartbeat", "submit_time", "start_time", "end_time", "_results", "_params", "parents", "id_override", ) allowed_stati = ( "new", "reserved", "suspended", "completed", "interrupted", "broken", )
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """See attributes of `Trial` for meaning and possible arguments for `kwargs`.""" for attrname in self.__slots__: if attrname in ("_results", "_params", "parents"): setattr(self, attrname, list()) else: setattr(self, attrname, None) self.status = "new" # Store the id as an override to support different backends self.id_override = kwargs.pop("_id", None) for attrname, value in kwargs.items(): if attrname == "results": attr = getattr(self, attrname) for item in value: attr.append(self.Result(**item)) elif attrname == "params": for item in value: self._params.append(self.Param(**item)) else: setattr(self, attrname, value)
[docs] def branch(self, status="new", params=None): """Copy the trial and modify given attributes The status attributes will be reset as if trial was new. Parameters ---------- status: str, optional The status of the new trial. Defaults to 'new'. params: dict, optional Some parameters to update. A subset of params may be passed. Passing non-existing params in current trial will lead to a ValueError. Defaults to `None`. Raises ------ ValueError If some parameters are not present in current trial. AttributeError If some attribute does not exist in Trial objects. """ if params is None: params = {} params = copy.deepcopy(params) config_params = [] for param in self._params: config_param = param.to_dict() if in params: config_param["value"] = params.pop( config_params.append(config_param) if params: raise ValueError(f"Some parameters are not part of base trial: {params}") return Trial(status=status, params=config_params)
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Needed to be able to convert `Trial` to `dict` form.""" trial_dictionary = dict() for attrname in self.__slots__: if attrname == "_working_dir": continue attrname = attrname.lstrip("_") trial_dictionary[attrname] = getattr(self, attrname) # Overwrite "results" and "params" with list of dictionaries rather # than list of Value objects trial_dictionary["results"] = list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self.results)) trial_dictionary["params"] = list(map(lambda x: x.to_dict(), self._params)) trial_dictionary["_id"] = trial_dictionary.pop("id") return trial_dictionary
[docs] def __str__(self): """Represent partially with a string.""" return "Trial(experiment={0}, status={1}, params={2})".format( repr(self.experiment), repr(self._status), self.format_params(self._params) )
__repr__ = __str__ @property def params(self): """Parameters of the trial""" return unflatten({ param.value for param in self._params}) @property def results(self): """List of results of the trial""" return self._results @results.setter def results(self, results): """Verify results before setting the property""" objective = self._fetch_one_result_of_type("objective", results) if objective is None: raise InvalidResult("No objective found in results: {}".format(results)) if not isinstance(objective.value, (float, int)): raise InvalidResult( "Results must contain a type `objective` with type float/int: {}".format( objective ) ) self._results = results @property def working_dir(self): """Return the current working directory of the trial.""" return self._working_dir @working_dir.setter def working_dir(self, value): """Change the current working directory of the trial.""" self._working_dir = value @property def status(self): """For meaning of property type, see `Trial.status`.""" return self._status @status.setter def status(self, status): validate_status(status) self._status = status @property def id(self): """Return hash_name which is also the database key ``_id``.""" if self.id_override is None: return self.__hash__() return self.id_override @property def objective(self): """Return this trial's objective value if it is evaluated, else None. :rtype: `Trial.Result` """ return self._fetch_one_result_of_type("objective") @property def lie(self): """Return this trial's fake objective value if it was set, else None. :rtype: `Trial.Result` """ return self._fetch_one_result_of_type("lie") @property def gradient(self): """Return this trial's gradient value if it is evaluated, else None. :rtype: `Trial.Result` """ return self._fetch_one_result_of_type("gradient") @property def constraints(self): """ Return this trial's constraints Returns ------- A list of ``Trial.Result`` of type 'constraint' """ return self._fetch_results("constraint", self.results) @property def statistics(self): """ Return this trial's statistics Returns ------- A list of ``Trial.Result`` de type 'statistic' """ return self._fetch_results("statistic", self.results) @property def hash_name(self): """Generate a unique name with an md5sum hash for this `Trial`. .. note:: Two trials that have the same `params` must have the same `hash_name`. """ return self.compute_trial_hash(self, ignore_fidelity=False) @property def hash_params(self): """Generate a unique param md5sum hash for this `Trial`. .. note:: The params contributing to the hash do not include the fidelity. """ return self.compute_trial_hash(self, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_lie=True)
[docs] def __hash__(self): """Return the hashname for this trial""" return self.hash_name
@property def full_name(self): """Generate a unique name using the full definition of parameters.""" if not self._params or not self.experiment: raise ValueError( "Cannot distinguish this trial, as 'params' or 'experiment' " "have not been set." ) return self.format_values(self._params, sep="-").replace("/", ".") def _fetch_results(self, type, results): """Fetch results for the given type""" return [result for result in results if result.type == type] def _fetch_one_result_of_type(self, result_type, results=None): if results is None: results = self.results value = self._fetch_results(result_type, results) if not value: return None if len(value) > 1: log.warning("Found multiple results of '%s' type:\n%s", result_type, value) log.warning( "Multi-objective optimization is not currently supported.\n" "Optimizing according to the first one only: %s", value[0], ) return value[0] def _repr_values(self, values, sep=","): """Represent with a string the given values.""" return Trial.format_values(values, sep)
[docs] def params_repr(self, sep=",", ignore_fidelity=False): """Represent with a string the parameters contained in this `Trial` object.""" return Trial.format_params(self._params, sep)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_values(values, sep=","): """Represent with a string the given values.""" return sep.join(map(lambda value: "{}:{0.value}".format(value), values))
[docs] @staticmethod def format_params(params, sep=",", ignore_fidelity=False): """Represent with a string the parameters contained in this `Trial` object.""" if ignore_fidelity: params = [x for x in params if x.type != "fidelity"] else: params = params return Trial.format_values(params, sep)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_trial_hash( trial, ignore_fidelity=False, ignore_experiment=False, ignore_lie=False ): """Generate a unique param md5sum hash for a given `Trial`""" if not trial._params and not trial.experiment: raise ValueError( "Cannot distinguish this trial, as 'params' or 'experiment' " "have not been set." ) params = Trial.format_params(trial._params, ignore_fidelity=ignore_fidelity) experiment_repr = "" if not ignore_experiment: experiment_repr = str(trial.experiment) lie_repr = "" if not ignore_lie and trial.lie: lie_repr = Trial.format_values([trial.lie]) return hashlib.md5( (params + experiment_repr + lie_repr).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest()
class TrialCM: __slots__ = ("_cm_experiment", "_cm_trial") def __init__(self, experiment, trial): self._cm_experiment = experiment self._cm_trial = trial def __getattribute__(self, name): if name in {"_cm_experiment", "_cm_trial", "__enter__", "__exit__"}: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) return getattr(self._cm_trial, name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name not in {"_cm_experiment", "_cm_trial"}: setattr(self._cm_trial, name, value) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __enter__(self): return self._cm_trial def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): try: if exc_type is KeyboardInterrupt: self._cm_experiment.release(self._cm_trial, "interrupted") elif exc_type is not None: self._cm_experiment.release(self._cm_trial, "broken") elif self._cm_trial.status == "reserved": self._cm_experiment.release(self._cm_trial) except RuntimeError as e: log.warning(e)