
Custom exceptions for Oríon

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.BranchingEvent(status, message="Configuration is different and generates a branching event:\n{}\n\nHint\n----\n\nThis error is typically caused by the following 2 reasons:\n  1) Commandline calls where arguments are different from one worker to another\n     (think of paths that are worker specific). There will be --cli-change-type\n     in the error message above if it is the case.\n  2) User script that writes to the repository of the script, causing changes in the code\n     and therefore leading to branching events. There will be --code-change-type\n     in the error message above if it is the case.\n\nFor each case you should:\n  1) Use --non-monitored-arguments [ARGUMENT_NAME]\n     (where you argument would be --argument-name, note the lack of dashes at\n      the beginning and the underscores instead of dashes between words)\n     The commandline argument only support one entry. To ignore many arguments,\n     you can use the option in a local config file, or in the global config file:\n     ```\n     evc:\n         non_monitored_arguments: ['FIRST_ARG', 'ANOTHER_ARG']\n     ```\n\n  2) Avoid writing data in your repository. It should only be code anyway, right? :)\n     Otherwise, you can ignore code changes altogether with option --ignore-code-changes.\n\n")[source]

Raise when conflicts could not be automatically resolved.

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.BrokenExperiment[source]

Raised when too many trials failed in an experiment and it is now considered broken

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.CheckError[source]

Raise when a check has failed.

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.CompletedExperiment[source]

Raised when attempting to suggest new trials for an experiment that is completed

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.InexecutableUserScript(cmdline, message='User script is not executable:\n{}\n\nUse chmod +x <your script> to make it executable.\nIf your script is written in python, you can otherwise\nuse `python <your script>` instead of `./<your script>`.\n\n')[source]

Raised during consumption when user script is not executable

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.InvalidResult[source]

The format of trial result is invalid.

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.MissingResultFile(message='\nCannot parse result file.\n\nMake sure to report results in file `$ORION_RESULTS_PATH`.\nThis can be done with `orion.client.cli.report_objective()`.\n')[source]

Raise when no result file (or empty) at end of trial execution.

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.NoConfigurationError(message='No commandline configuration found for new experiment.')[source]

Raise when commandline configuration is empty.

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.NoNameError(message='No name provided for the experiment.')[source]

Raise when no name is provided for an experiment.

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.RaceCondition[source]

Raise when a race condition occured.

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.ReservationTimeout[source]

Raised when the experiment client is not able to reserve a trial in time

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.UnsupportedOperation[source]

The operation is not supported with current access rights

exception orion.core.utils.exceptions.WaitingForTrials[source]

Raised when the algorithm needs to wait for some trials to complete before it can suggest new ones