Source code for orion.algo.hyperband

A Novel Bandit-Based Approach to Hyperparameter Optimization

Implement Hyperband to exploit configurations with fixed resource efficiently

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Generic, NamedTuple, Sequence, TypeVar

import numpy
from tabulate import tabulate

from orion.algo.base import BaseAlgorithm
from import Fidelity, Space
from orion.core.utils.flatten import flatten
from orion.core.worker.trial import Trial

    from typing import TypedDict
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import TypedDict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Bad fidelity level {fidelity}. Should be in {budgets}.
Params: {params}

Hyperband cannot be used if space does not contain a fidelity dimension.
For more information on the configuration and usage of Hyperband, see

Cannot build budgets below max_resources;
(max: {}) - (min: {}) > (num_rungs: {})

[docs]class BudgetTuple(NamedTuple): n_trials: int resource_budget: int | float
[docs]class RungDict(TypedDict): resources: int | float n_trials: int results: dict[str, tuple[float | None, Trial]]
[docs]def compute_budgets( max_resources: float, reduction_factor: float ) -> list[list[BudgetTuple]]: """Compute the budgets used for each execution of hyperband""" num_brackets = int(numpy.log(max_resources) / numpy.log(reduction_factor)) budgets: list[list[BudgetTuple]] = [] budgets_tab: dict[int, list[BudgetTuple]] = {} # just for display consideration for bracket_id in range(0, num_brackets + 1): bracket_budgets: list[BudgetTuple] = [] num_trials = int( numpy.ceil( int((num_brackets + 1) / (num_brackets - bracket_id + 1)) * (reduction_factor ** (num_brackets - bracket_id)) ) ) min_resources = max_resources / reduction_factor ** (num_brackets - bracket_id) for i in range(0, num_brackets - bracket_id + 1): n_i = int(num_trials / reduction_factor**i) min_i = int(min_resources * reduction_factor**i) budget_tuple = BudgetTuple(n_i, min_i) bracket_budgets.append(budget_tuple) if budgets_tab.get(i): budgets_tab[i].append(budget_tuple) else: budgets_tab[i] = [budget_tuple] budgets.append(bracket_budgets) display_budgets(budgets_tab, max_resources, reduction_factor) return budgets
def tabulate_status(brackets: list[HyperbandBracket]) -> None: header = ["i"] + ["n_i", "r_i"] * len(brackets) data = [] num_rungs = max(len(bracket.rungs) for bracket in brackets) for rung_id in range(num_rungs): row: list[Any] = [rung_id] for bracket in brackets: if len(bracket.rungs) <= rung_id: row.extend(["", ""]) continue in_i = len(bracket.rungs[rung_id]["results"]) n_i = bracket.rungs[rung_id]["n_trials"] r_i = bracket.rungs[rung_id]["resources"] row.append(f"{in_i:>3}/{n_i:>3}") row.append(r_i) data.append(row) table = tabulate(data, header, tablefmt="github")
[docs]def display_budgets( budgets_tab: dict[int, list[BudgetTuple]], max_resources: Any, reduction_factor: Any ) -> None: """Display hyperband budget as a table in debug log""" num_brackets = len(budgets_tab[0]) table_str = "Display Budgets:\n" col_format_str = "{:<4}" + " {:<12}" * num_brackets + "\n" col_title_list = ["i "] + ["n_i r_i"] * num_brackets col_sub_list = ["---"] + ["---------"] * num_brackets table_str += col_format_str.format(*col_sub_list) table_str += col_format_str.format(*col_title_list) table_str += col_format_str.format(*col_sub_list) total_trials = 0 for key, values in sorted(budgets_tab.items()): table_row = f"{key:<4} " for value in values: n_i, r_i = value total_trials += n_i st = f"{n_i:<5} {r_i:<7}" table_row += st table_str += table_row + "\n" table_str += col_format_str.format(*col_sub_list) table_str += "max resource={}, eta={}, trials number of one execution={}\n".format( max_resources, reduction_factor, total_trials )
BracketT = TypeVar("BracketT", bound="HyperbandBracket")
[docs]class Hyperband(BaseAlgorithm, Generic[BracketT]): """Hyperband formulates hyperparameter optimization as a pure-exploration non-stochastic infinite-armed bandit problem where a predefined resource like iterations, data samples, or features is allocated to randomly sampled configurations.` For more information on the algorithm, see original paper at Li, Lisha et al. "Hyperband: A Novel Bandit-Based Approach to Hyperparameter Optimization" Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18:1-52, 2018. Parameters ---------- space: `` Optimisation space with priors for each dimension. seed: None, int or sequence of int Seed for the random number generator used to sample new trials. Default: ``None`` repetitions: int Number of executions for Hyperband. A single execution of Hyperband takes a finite budget of ``(log(R)/log(eta) + 1) * (log(R)/log(eta) + 1) * R``, and ``repetitions`` allows you to run multiple executions of Hyperband. Default is ``numpy.inf`` which means to run Hyperband until no new trials can be suggested. """ def __init__( self, space: Space, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, repetitions: int | float = numpy.inf, ): super().__init__(space) self.seed = seed self.repetitions = repetitions self.brackets: list[BracketT] = [] # Stores Point id (with no fidelity) -> Bracket (int) self.trial_to_brackets: dict[str, int] = {} fidelity_dim: Fidelity = space[self.fidelity_index] # NOTE: This isn't a Fidelity, it's a TransformedDimension<Fidelity> from orion.core.worker.transformer import TransformedDimension # NOTE: Currently bypassing (possibly more than one) `TransformedDimension` wrappers to get # the 'low', 'high' and 'base' attributes. while isinstance(fidelity_dim, TransformedDimension): fidelity_dim = fidelity_dim.original_dimension assert isinstance(fidelity_dim, Fidelity) self.min_resources = fidelity_dim.low self.max_resources = fidelity_dim.high self.reduction_factor = fidelity_dim.base # if self.reduction_factor < 2: # raise AttributeError("Reduction factor for Hyperband needs to be at least 2.") self.repetitions = repetitions self.budgets: list[list[BudgetTuple]] = [] if self.reduction_factor >= 2: self.budgets = compute_budgets(self.max_resources, self.reduction_factor) self.brackets = self.create_brackets() else: logger.warning("Reduction factor for Hyperband needs to be at least 2") if seed is not None: self.seed_rng(seed) def create_bracket(self, budgets: list[BudgetTuple], iteration: int) -> BracketT: return HyperbandBracket(self, budgets, iteration)
[docs] def sample_from_bracket(self, bracket: BracketT, num: int) -> list[Trial]: """Sample new trials from bracket""" trials: list[Trial] = [] while len(trials) < num: trial = bracket.get_sample() if trial is None: break trial = trial.branch( params={self.fidelity_index: bracket.rungs[0]["resources"]} ) # trial.branch used for convenience only to override fidelity value. # Parent should be set to None since this parent trial does not exist in # the registry. trial.parent = None full_id = self.get_id(trial, ignore_fidelity=False, ignore_parent=False) id_wo_fidelity = self.get_id( trial, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_parent=True ) bracket_id = self.trial_to_brackets.get(id_wo_fidelity, None) bracket_observed: BracketT | None = None if bracket_id is not None: bracket_observed = self.brackets[bracket_id] else: bracket_observed = None if not self.has_suggested(trial) and ( not bracket_observed or ( bracket_observed is not None and bracket_observed.repetition_id < bracket.repetition_id and bracket_observed.get_trial_max_resource(trial) < bracket.rungs[0]["resources"] ) ): # if no duplicated found or the duplicated found existing in previous hyperband # execution with less resource trials.append(trial) self.register(trial) self.trial_to_brackets[id_wo_fidelity] = self.brackets.index(bracket) return trials
[docs] def seed_rng(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None) -> None: """Seed the state of the random number generator. :param seed: Integer seed for the random number generator. """ self.seed = seed self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) self.seed_brackets(seed)
def seed_brackets(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None) -> None: rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) for bracket in self.brackets[::-1]: bracket.seed_rng(tuple(rng.randint(0, 1000000, size=3))) @property def state_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a state dict that can be used to reset the state of the algorithm.""" state_dict: dict[str, Any] = super().state_dict state_dict.update( { "rng_state": self.rng.get_state(), "seed": self.seed, "budgets": copy.deepcopy(self.budgets), "trial_to_brackets": copy.deepcopy(dict(self.trial_to_brackets)), "brackets": [bracket.state_dict for bracket in self.brackets], } ) return state_dict
[docs] def set_state(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: """Reset the state of the algorithm based on the given state_dict :param state_dict: Dictionary representing state of an algorithm """ super().set_state(state_dict) self.seed_rng(state_dict["seed"]) self.rng.set_state(state_dict["rng_state"]) self.trial_to_brackets = state_dict["trial_to_brackets"] self.budgets = state_dict["budgets"] self.brackets.clear() while len(self.brackets) < len(state_dict["brackets"]): self.append_brackets() assert len(self.brackets) == len(state_dict["brackets"]), "corrupted state" for bracket, bracket_state_dict in zip(self.brackets, state_dict["brackets"]): bracket.set_state(bracket_state_dict)
def register_samples(self, bracket: HyperbandBracket, samples: list[Trial]) -> None: for sample in samples: if self.has_observed(sample): raise RuntimeError( "Hyperband resampling a trial that was already completed. " "This should never happen. " "If you get this error please report this issue on github at " "" ) self.register(sample) bracket.register(sample) if ( self.get_id(sample, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_parent=True) not in self.trial_to_brackets ): self.trial_to_brackets[ self.get_id(sample, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_parent=True) ] = self.brackets.index(bracket) def promote(self, num: int) -> list[Trial]: samples: list[Trial] = [] for bracket in reversed(self.brackets): if bracket.is_ready() and not bracket.is_done: bracket_samples = bracket.promote(num - len(samples)) self.register_samples(bracket, bracket_samples) samples += bracket_samples return samples def sample(self, num: int) -> list[Trial]: samples: list[Trial] = [] for bracket in reversed(self.brackets): if not bracket.is_filled: bracket_samples = self.sample_from_bracket( bracket, min(num - len(samples), bracket.remainings) ) self.register_samples(bracket, bracket_samples) samples.extend(bracket_samples) return samples
[docs] def suggest(self, num: int) -> list[Trial]: """Suggest a number of new sets of parameters. Sample new points until first rung is filled. Afterwards waits for all trials to be completed before promoting trials to the next rung. Parameters ---------- num: int, optional Number of points to suggest. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- list of `orion.core.worker.trial:Trial` or None A list of trials suggested by the algorithm. The algorithm may opt out if it cannot make a good suggestion at the moment (it may be waiting for other trials to complete), in which case it will return None. """ self._refresh_brackets() samples = self.promote(num) samples.extend(self.sample(max(num - len(samples), 0))) tabulate_status(self.brackets) if samples: return samples # Either all brackets are done or none are ready and algo needs to wait for some trials to # complete if len(self.trial_to_brackets) >= logger.warning( "The number of unique trials of bottom rungs exceeds the search space " "cardinality %i, Hyperband algorithm exits.",, ) else: logger.debug( f"{self.__class__.__name__} cannot suggest new samples and must wait " "for trials to complete." ) return []
@property def executed_times(self) -> int: """Counter for how many times Hyperband been executed""" if not self.brackets: return 0 executed_times = self.brackets[-1].repetition_id all_brackets_done = all( bracket.is_done for bracket in self.brackets[-len(self.budgets) :] ) return executed_times - int(not all_brackets_done) def _refresh_brackets(self) -> None: """Refresh bracket if one hyperband execution is done""" if all(bracket.is_done for bracket in self.brackets): "Hyperband execution %i is done, required to execute %s times", self.executed_times, str(self.repetitions), ) # Continue to the next execution if need if self.executed_times < self.repetitions: self.append_brackets() def append_brackets(self) -> None: self.brackets = self.brackets + self.create_brackets() # Reset brackets seeds self.seed_brackets(self.seed) def create_brackets(self) -> list[BracketT]: return [ self.create_bracket(bracket_budgets, self.executed_times + 1) for bracket_budgets in self.budgets ] def _get_bracket(self, trial: Trial) -> BracketT: """Get the bracket of a trial""" _id_wo_fidelity = self.get_id(trial, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_parent=True) return self.brackets[self.trial_to_brackets[_id_wo_fidelity]]
[docs] def observe(self, trials: list[Trial]) -> None: """Observe evaluation `results` corresponding to list of `trials` in space. Parameters ---------- trials: list of ``orion.core.worker.trial.Trial`` Trials from a ``. """ for trial in trials: if not self.has_suggested(trial): logger.debug( "Ignoring trial %s because it was not sampled by current algo.", trial, ) continue self.register(trial) bracket = self._get_bracket(trial) try: bracket.register(trial) except IndexError: logger.warning( "Trial registered to wrong bracket. This is likely due " "to a corrupted database, where trials of different fidelity " "have a wrong timestamps." ) continue
@property def fidelity_index(self) -> str: """Compute the dimension name of the space where fidelity is. There is always a fidelity dimension in Hyperband. If there isn't one, raises an exception. """ fidelity_index = super().fidelity_index if fidelity_index is None: raise RuntimeError(SPACE_ERROR) return fidelity_index @property def is_done(self) -> bool: """Return True, if all required execution has been done.""" if self.executed_times >= self.repetitions: return True # NOTE: this doesn't fall back to super().is_done, since Hyperband ignores the max_trials # attribute. return self.has_suggested_all_possible_values()
Owner = TypeVar("Owner", bound=Hyperband)
[docs]class HyperbandBracket(Generic[Owner]): """Bracket of rungs for the algorithm Hyperband. Parameters ---------- owner: `Hyperband` algorithm The hyperband algorithm object which this bracket will be part of. budgets: list of tuple Each tuple gives the (n_trials, resource_budget) for the respective rung. repetition_id: int The id of hyperband execution this bracket belongs to """ def __init__(self, owner: Owner, budgets: list[BudgetTuple], repetition_id: int): self.owner = owner self.rungs: list[RungDict] = [ RungDict(resources=budget, n_trials=n_trials, results=OrderedDict()) for n_trials, budget in budgets ] self.seed = None self.repetition_id: int = repetition_id self.buffer: int = 10 self._samples: list[Trial] | None = None logger.debug("Bracket budgets: %s", str(budgets)) @property def state_dict(self) -> dict: return { "rungs": copy.deepcopy(self.rungs), "samples": copy.deepcopy(self._samples), } def set_state(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: self.rungs = state_dict["rungs"] self._samples = state_dict["samples"] @property def is_filled(self) -> bool: """Return True if first rung with trials is filled""" return self.has_rung_filled(0)
[docs] def get_trial_max_resource(self, trial: Trial) -> int | float: """Return the max resource value that has been tried for a trial""" max_resource: int | float = 0 _id_wo_fidelity = self.owner.get_id( trial, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_parent=True ) for rung in self.rungs: if _id_wo_fidelity in rung["results"]: max_resource = rung["resources"] return max_resource
@property def seed(self): return self._seed @seed.setter def seed(self, seed): self._seed = seed self._samples = None def get_sample(self) -> Trial | None: if not self._samples: was = self._samples n_samples = int(self.rungs[0]["n_trials"] * self.buffer) self._samples =, seed=self.seed) if was is not None: return None return self._samples.pop(0)
[docs] def register(self, trial: Trial) -> None: """Register a trial in the corresponding rung""" results = self._get_results(trial) trial_id = self.owner.get_id(trial, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_parent=True) results[trial_id] = ( trial.objective.value if trial.objective else None, copy.deepcopy(trial), )
def _get_results(self, trial: Trial) -> dict: fidelity = flatten(trial.params)[self.owner.fidelity_index] rung_results = [ rung["results"] for rung in self.rungs if rung["resources"] == fidelity ] if not rung_results: budgets = [rung["resources"] for rung in self.rungs] raise IndexError( REGISTRATION_ERROR.format( fidelity=fidelity, budgets=budgets, params=trial.params ) ) return rung_results[0] @property def remainings(self) -> int: should_have_n_trials = self.rungs[0]["n_trials"] have_n_trials = len(self.rungs[0]["results"]) return max(should_have_n_trials - have_n_trials, 0)
[docs] def get_candidates(self, rung_id: int) -> list[Trial]: """Get a candidate for promotion Raises ------ TypeError If get_candidates is called before the entire rung is completed. """ if self.has_rung_filled(rung_id + 1): return [] rung_results = self.rungs[rung_id]["results"] next_rung = self.rungs[rung_id + 1]["results"] # BUG: # What if some of the objectives are None? Then comparison between None and floats here # will cause an error. During tests, the objectives are all None, so the comparison doesn't # fail! # Adding this assert to make this assumption more explicit, while we decide if this is # normal. assert sum( objective is not None for objective, trial in rung_results.values() ) in { 0, len(rung_results), }, "Assuming objectives are either all None or all floats." rung = sorted(rung_results.values(), key=lambda pair: pair[0]) if not rung: return [] should_have_n_trials = self.rungs[rung_id + 1]["n_trials"] trials: list[Trial] = [] i = 0 while len(trials) + len(next_rung) < should_have_n_trials: objective, trial = rung[i] assert objective is not None _id = self.owner.get_id(trial, ignore_fidelity=True, ignore_parent=True) if _id not in next_rung: trials.append(trial) i += 1 return trials
@property def is_done(self) -> bool: """Return True, if the last rung is filled.""" return self.has_rung_filled(len(self.rungs) - 1)
[docs] def has_rung_filled(self, rung_id: int) -> bool: """Return True, if the rung[rung_id] is filled.""" n_trials = len(self.rungs[rung_id]["results"]) return n_trials >= self.rungs[rung_id]["n_trials"]
[docs] def is_ready(self, rung_id: int | None = None) -> bool: """Return True, if the bracket is ready for next promote""" if rung_id is not None: return self.has_rung_filled(rung_id) and all( objective is not None for objective, _ in self.rungs[rung_id]["results"].values() ) is_ready = False for _rung_id in range(len(self.rungs)): if self.has_rung_filled(_rung_id): is_ready = self.is_ready(_rung_id) else: break return is_ready
[docs] def promote(self, num: int) -> list[Trial]: """Promote the first candidate that is found and return it The rungs are iterated over in reversed order, so that high rungs are prioritised for promotions. When a candidate is promoted, the loop is broken and the method returns the promoted trial. .. note :: All trials are part of the rungs, for any state. Only completed trials are eligible for promotion, i.e., only completed trials can be part of top-k. Lookup for promotion in rung l + 1 contains trials of any status. """ if self.is_done: return [] for rung_id in range(len(self.rungs)): # No more promotion possible, skip to next rung if self.has_rung_filled(rung_id + 1): continue if not self.is_ready(rung_id): return [] trials = [] for candidate in self.get_candidates(rung_id): # pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation logger.debug( "Promoting {trial} from rung {past_rung} with fidelity {past_fidelity} to " "rung {new_rung} with fidelity {new_fidelity}".format( trial=candidate, past_rung=rung_id, past_fidelity=flatten(candidate.params)[ self.owner.fidelity_index ], new_rung=rung_id + 1, new_fidelity=self.rungs[rung_id + 1]["resources"], ) ) candidate = candidate.branch( status="new", params={ self.owner.fidelity_index: self.rungs[rung_id + 1]["resources"] }, ) # NOTE: We could use branching with data folder copy like it is done in # PBT to support checkpointing. This would require adapting the # documentation however, and perhaps make sure trial.hash_params # does not take into account trial.parent otherwise it will change # the id although we ignore the fidelity dimension. candidate.parent = None if not self.owner.has_suggested(candidate): trials.append(candidate) return trials[:num] return []
[docs] def seed_rng(self, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None) -> None: """Seed the state of the random number generator. :param seed: Integer seed for the random number generator. """ self.seed = seed
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return representation of bracket with fidelity levels""" return "{}(resource={}, repetition id={})".format( self.__class__.__name__, [rung["resources"] for rung in self.rungs], self.repetition_id, )