Source code for orion.benchmark.task.profet.model_utils

""" Options and utilities for training the profet meta-model from Emukit. """
import json
import pickle
import typing
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from logging import getLogger as get_logger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

    "The `profet` extras needs to be installed in order to use the Profet tasks.\n"
    "Error: {0}\n"
    "Use `pip install orion[profet]` to install the profet extras."
    import GPy
    import torch
    from emukit.examples.profet.meta_benchmarks.architecture import (
    from emukit.examples.profet.meta_benchmarks.meta_forrester import (
        get_architecture_forrester,  # type: ignore
    from emukit.examples.profet.train_meta_model import download_data
    from GPy.models import BayesianGPLVM
    from pybnn.bohamiann import Bohamiann
except ImportError as err:
    # NOTE: Need to set some garbage dummy values, so that the documentation can be generated without
    # actually having these values.
    def get_default_architecture(
        input_dimensionality: int, classification: bool = False, n_hidden: int = 500
    ) -> Any:
        raise RuntimeError(_ERROR_MSG)

    def get_architecture_forrester(input_dimensionality: int) -> Any:
        raise RuntimeError(_ERROR_MSG)

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class MetaModelConfig(ABC): """Configuration options for the training of the Profet meta-model.""" benchmark: str """ Name of the benchmark. """ # ---------- "Abstract"/required class attributes: json_file_name: ClassVar[str] """ Name of the json file that contains the data of this benchmark. """ get_architecture: ClassVar[ Callable[[int], "torch.nn.Module"] ] = get_default_architecture """ Callable that takes the input dimensionality and returns the network to be trained. """ hidden_space: ClassVar[int] """ Size of the hidden space for this benchmark. """ log_cost: ClassVar[bool] """ Whether to apply `numpy.log` onto the raw data for the cost of each point. """ log_target: ClassVar[bool] """ Whether to apply `numpy.log` onto the raw data for the `y` of each point. """ normalize_targets: ClassVar[bool] """ Whether to normalize the targets (y), by default False. """ shapes: ClassVar[Tuple[Tuple[int, ...], Tuple[int, ...], Tuple[int, ...]]] """ The shapes of the X, Y and C arrays of the dataset. """ y_min: ClassVar[float] """ The minimum of the Y array. """ y_max: ClassVar[float] """ The maximum of the Y array. """ c_min: ClassVar[float] """ The minimum of the C array. """ c_max: ClassVar[float] """ The maximum of the C array. """ # ----------- task_id: int = 0 """ Task index. """ seed: int = 123 """ Random seed. """ num_burnin_steps: int = 50000 """ (copied from `Bohamiann.train`): Number of burn-in steps to perform. This value is passed to the given `optimizer` if it supports special burn-in specific behavior. Networks sampled during burn-in are discarded. """ num_steps: int = 13_000 """Value passed to the argument of the same name in `Bohamiann.train`. (copied from `Bohamiann.train`): Number of sampling steps to perform after burn-in is finished. In total, `num_steps // keep_every` network weights will be sampled. """ mcmc_thining: int = 100 """ `keep_every` argument of `Bohamiann.train`. (copied from `Bohamiann.train`): Number of sampling steps (after burn-in) to perform before keeping a sample. In total, `num_steps // keep_every` network weights will be sampled. """ lr: float = 1e-2 """ `lr` argument of `Bohamiann.train`. """ batch_size: int = 5 """ `batch_size` argument of `Bohamiann.train`. """ max_samples: Optional[int] = None """ Maximum number of data samples to use when training the meta-model. This can be useful if the dataset is large (e.g. FCNet task) and you don't have crazy amounts of memory. """ n_inducing_lvm: int = 50 """ Passed as the value for the "num_inducing" argument of `BayesianGPLVM` constructor. (copied form ``GPy.core.sparse_gp_mpi.SparseGP_MPI``): Number of inducing points (optional, default 10. Ignored if Z is not None) """ max_iters: int = 10_000 """Argument passed to the `optimize` method of the `BayesianGPLVM` instance that is used in the call to `get_features`. Appears to be the number of training iterations to perform. """ n_samples_task: int = 500 """ Number of tasks to create in `get_training_data`."""
[docs] def get_task_network(self, input_path: Union[Path, str]) -> Tuple[Any, np.ndarray]: """Create, train and return a surrogate model for the given `benchmark`, `seed` and `task_id`. Parameters ---------- input_path : Union[Path, str] Data directory containing the json files. Returns ------- Tuple[Any, np.ndarray] The surrogate model for the objective, as well as an array of sampled task features. """ rng = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.seed) X, Y, C = self.load_data(input_path) task_features_mean, task_features_std = self._get_features( X=X, Y=Y, C=C, display_messages=False, ) X_train, Y_train, C_train = self._get_training_data( X, Y, C, task_features_mean=task_features_mean, task_features_std=task_features_std, ) objective_model, cost_model = self._get_meta_model( X_train, Y_train, C_train, with_cost=False, ) net = self._create_task_network(objective_model, X_train.shape[1]) multiplier = rng.randn(self.hidden_space) h = ( task_features_mean[self.task_id] + task_features_std[self.task_id] * multiplier ) return net, h
[docs] def load_data( self, input_path: Union[str, Path] ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Load the profet data for the given benchmark from the input directory. When the input directory doesn't exist, attempts to download the data to create the input directory. Parameters ---------- input_path : Union[str, Path] Input directory. Expects to find a json file for the given benchmark inside that directory. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] X, Y, and C arrays. """ # file = Path(input_path) / NAMES[benchmark] file = Path(input_path) / self.json_file_name if not file.exists():"File {file} doesn't exist, attempting to download data.") download_data(input_path)"Download finished.") if not file.exists(): raise RuntimeError( f"Download finished, but file {file} still doesn't exist!" ) with open(file, "r") as f: res = json.load(f) X, Y, C = np.array(res["X"]), np.array(res["Y"]), np.array(res["C"]) if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[:, None] return X, Y, C
[docs] def normalize_Y( self, Y: np.ndarray, indexD: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Normalize the Y array and return its mean and standard deviations. Parameters ---------- Y : np.ndarray Labels from the datasets. indexD : np.ndarray Task indices of corresponding labels Y. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] Tuple containing the Y array, the mean array, and the std array. """ max_idx = np.max(indexD) Y_mean = np.zeros(max_idx + 1) Y_std = np.zeros(max_idx + 1) for i in range(max_idx + 1): Y_mean[i] = Y[indexD == i].mean() Y_std[i] = Y[indexD == i].std() + 1e-8 Y[indexD == i] = (Y[indexD == i] - Y_mean[i]) / Y_std[i] return Y, Y_mean[:, None], Y_std[:, None]
def _get_features( self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray, C: np.ndarray, display_messages: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Generate features for the given task. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Training examples Y : np.ndarray Training labels C : np.ndarray Training costs display_messages : bool, optional Whether to log messages to the console or not, by default True. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] The features mean and std arrays. """ n_tasks = Y.shape[0] n_configs = X.shape[0] index_task = np.repeat(np.arange(n_tasks), n_configs) Y_norm, _, _ = self.normalize_Y(deepcopy(Y.flatten()), index_task) # train the probabilistic encoder kern = GPy.kern.Matern52(input_dim=self.hidden_space, ARD=True) m_lvm = BayesianGPLVM( Y_norm.reshape(n_tasks, n_configs), input_dim=self.hidden_space, kernel=kern, num_inducing=self.n_inducing_lvm, ) m_lvm.optimize(max_iters=self.max_iters, messages=display_messages) ls = np.array( [m_lvm.kern.lengthscale[i] for i in range(m_lvm.kern.lengthscale.shape[0])] ) # generate data to train the multi-task model task_features_mean = np.array(m_lvm.X.mean / ls) task_features_std = np.array(np.sqrt(m_lvm.X.variance) / ls) return task_features_mean, task_features_std def _get_training_data( self, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray, C: np.ndarray, task_features_mean: np.ndarray, task_features_std: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Create training data by sampling a given number of tasks. Parameters ---------- X : np.ndarray Training examples Y : np.ndarray Training labels C : np.ndarray Training costs (NOTE: This isn't really used at the moment). task_features_mean : np.ndarray Mean of the model training weights. task_features_std : np.ndarray Std of the model training weights. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] numpy arrays containing the X, Y, and C's for each task. """ n_tasks = Y.shape[0] hidden_space = task_features_std.shape[1] n_configs = X.shape[0] X_train_list = [] Y_train_list = [] C_train_list = [] for i, xi in enumerate(X): for idx in range(n_tasks): for _ in range(self.n_samples_task): multiplier = np.random.randn(hidden_space) ht = task_features_mean[idx] + task_features_std[idx] * multiplier x = np.concatenate((xi, ht), axis=0) X_train_list.append(x) Y_train_list.append(Y[idx, i]) C_train_list.append(C[idx, i]) X_train = np.array(X_train_list) Y_train = np.array(Y_train_list) C_train = np.array(C_train_list) if self.log_cost: C_train = np.log(C_train) if self.log_target: Y_train = np.log(Y_train) return X_train, Y_train, C_train def _get_meta_model( self, X_train: np.ndarray, Y_train: np.ndarray, C_train: np.ndarray, with_cost: bool = False, ): """Create, train and return the objective model, and (optionally) a cost model for the data. Parameters ---------- X_train : np.ndarray Training samples. Y_train : np.ndarray Training objectives. C_train : np.ndarray Training costs. with_cost : bool, optional Whether to also create a surrogate model for the cost. Defaults to `False`. Returns ------- Tuple[Bohamiann, Optional[Bohamiann]] Surrogate model for the objective, as well as another for the cost, if `with_cost` is True, otherwise `None`. """ objective_model = Bohamiann( get_network=type(self).get_architecture, print_every_n_steps=1000, normalize_output=self.normalize_targets, )"Training Bohamiann objective model.") if self.max_samples is not None: f"Limiting the dataset to a maximum of {self.max_samples} samples." ) X_train = X_train[: self.max_samples, ...] Y_train = Y_train[: self.max_samples, ...] C_train = C_train[: self.max_samples, ...] logger.debug(f"Shapes: {X_train.shape}, {Y_train.shape}") logger.debug(f"config: {self}") objective_model.train( X_train, Y_train, num_steps=self.num_steps + self.num_burnin_steps, num_burn_in_steps=self.num_burnin_steps, keep_every=self.mcmc_thining,, verbose=True, batch_size=self.batch_size, ) if with_cost: cost_model = Bohamiann( get_network=type(self).get_architecture, print_every_n_steps=1000 )"Training Bohamiann cost model.") cost_model.train( X_train, C_train, num_steps=self.num_steps + self.num_burnin_steps, num_burn_in_steps=self.num_burnin_steps, keep_every=self.mcmc_thining,, verbose=True, batch_size=self.batch_size, ) else: cost_model = None return objective_model, cost_model def _create_task_network(self, model, size: int, idx: int = 0) -> "torch.nn.Module": """Retrieve a network with sampled weights for the given task id. Parameters ---------- model : Bohamiann "Base" Bohamiann model used to get a network and its weights. size : int Input dimensions for the generated network. idx : int, optional Task idx, by default 0 Returns ------- nn.Module A module with sampled weights. """ net = model.get_network(size) # assert False, (type(self).get_architecture, net, self.shapes) with torch.no_grad(): sampled_weights = model.sampled_weights[idx] for parameter, sample in zip(net.parameters(), sampled_weights): parameter.copy_(torch.from_numpy(sample)) return net
[docs] def load_task_network( self, checkpoint_file: Union[str, Path], ) -> Tuple[Any, np.ndarray]: """Load the result of the `get_task_network` function stored in the pickle file. Parameters ---------- checkpoint_file : Union[str, Path] Path to a pickle file. The file is expected to contain a serialized dictionary, with keys "benchmark", "size", "network", and "h". Returns ------- Tuple[Any, np.ndarray] The surrogate model for the objective, as well as an array of sampled task features. """ with open(checkpoint_file, "rb") as f: state = pickle.load(f) if state["benchmark"] != self.benchmark: raise RuntimeError( f"Trying to load model for benchmark {self.benchmark} from checkpoint that " f"contains data from benchmark {state['benchmark']}." ) network = type(self).get_architecture(input_dimensionality=state["size"]) network.load_state_dict(state["network"]) h = state["h"] return network, h
[docs] def save_task_network( self, checkpoint_file: Union[str, Path], network: Any, h: np.ndarray ) -> None: """Save the meta-model for the task at the given path. Parameters ---------- checkpoint_file : Union[str, Path] Path where the model should be saved network : Any The network h : np.ndarray The embedding vector """ checkpoint_file = Path(checkpoint_file) state = dict( benchmark=self.benchmark, network=network.state_dict(), size=list(network.parameters())[0].size()[1], h=h.tolist(), ) tmp_file = checkpoint_file.with_suffix(".tmp") with open(tmp_file, "wb") as file: pickle.dump(state, file, protocol=pickle.DEFAULT_PROTOCOL) tmp_file.rename(checkpoint_file)