
There are two ways of using Oríon for optimization. One is using the commandline interface which conveniently turn a simple script into a hyper-parameter optimization process at the level of the command line. The other is using the python interface which gives total control over the pipeline of optimization.

Commandline API

Suppose you normally execute your script with the following command

$ python main.py --lr 0.1

Using the commandline API you can turn your script into a hyper-parameter process by wrapping it with Oríon.

$ orion hunt -n exp-name python main.py --lr~'loguniform(1e-5, 1.0)'

An experiment called exp-name will now be created and your script will be called with the argument --lr assigned to values sampled by the optimization algorithm.

Configuration of the algorithm can be done inside a yaml file passed to --config as described in Algorithms.

To return the results to orion, you must add a call to orion.client.report_objective(value) in your script at the end of the execution.

See orion.client.cli for more information on all helper functions available.

Python APIs

The python API is declined in two versions

Sequential API:
A simple method for local sequential optimision.
Service API:
A simple method to get new parameters to try and report results in a distributed manner.
Framework API:
Total control over the hyper-parameter optimization pipeline.

Sequential API

Using the helper orion.client.workon(), you can optimize a function with a single line of code.

from orion.client import workon

def foo(x):
   return [dict(

experiment = workon(foo, space=dict(x='uniform(-50,50)'))

The experiment object returned can be used to fetch the database of trials and analyze the optimization process. Note that the storage for workon is in-memory and requires no setup. This means however that orion.client.workon() cannot be used for parallel optimisation.

Service API

Experiments are created using the helper function orion.client.create_experiment(). You can then sample new trials with experiment.suggest(). The parameters of the trials are provided as a dictionary with trial.params. Once the trial is completed, results can be reported to the experiment with experiment.observe(). Note that this should be the final result of the trial. When observe is called, the trial reservation is released and its status is set to completed. Observing twice the same trial will raise a RuntimeError because the trial is not reserved anymore.

from orion.client import create_experiment

experiment = create_experiment(

trial = experiment.suggest()

# Do something using trial.params['x']

results = [dict(

experiment.observe(trial, results)

The storage used by the experiment can be specified as an argument to create_experiment(storage={}) or in a global configuration file as described in Database.

To distribute the hyper-parameter optimisation in many workers, simply execute your script in parallel where you want to execute your trials. The method experiment.suggest() will take care of synchronizing the local algorithm with all remote instances, making it possible to distribute the optimization without setting up a master process.

See ExperimentClient for more information on the experiment client object.


Code version detection is not currently supported. This means that creating experiments using different code version will not lead to version increment like it would do with the commandline API.

Framework API


This API is not implemented yet. It should be included in v0.2.0.

from orion.client import create_space
from orion.client import create_algo

space = create_space(x='uniform(-50,50)')

algo = create_algo(space, type='ASHA', add some config here)

params = algo.suggest()

results = 'some_results...'

algo.observe(params, results)