Source code for orion.core.cli.hunt

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`orion.core.cli.hunt` -- Module running the optimization command

.. module:: hunt
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Gets an experiment and iterates over it until one of the exit conditions is met


import logging

import orion.core
from orion.core.cli import base as cli
from orion.core.cli import evc as evc_cli
import as experiment_builder
from orion.core.worker import workon

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SHORT_DESCRIPTION = 'Conducts hyperparameter optimization'
This command starts hyperparameter optimization process for the user-provided model using the
configured optimization algorithm and search space.

[docs]def add_subparser(parser): """Add the subparser that needs to be used for this command""" hunt_parser = parser.add_parser('hunt', help=SHORT_DESCRIPTION, description=DESCRIPTION) orion_group = cli.get_basic_args_group( hunt_parser, group_name='Hunt arguments', group_help='') orion.core.config.experiment.add_arguments( orion_group, rename=dict(max_broken='--exp-max-broken', max_trials='--exp-max-trials')) orion_group.add_argument( '--max-trials', type=int, metavar='#', help="(DEPRECATED) This argument will be removed in v0.3. Use --exp-max-trials instead") orion_group.add_argument( '--init-only', default=False, action='store_true', help="Only create the experiment and register in database, but do not execute any trial.") worker_args_group = hunt_parser.add_argument_group( "Worker arguments (optional)", description="Arguments to automatically resolved branching events.") orion.core.config.worker.add_arguments( worker_args_group, rename=dict(max_broken='--worker-max-broken', max_trials='--worker-max-trials')) evc_cli.get_branching_args_group(hunt_parser) cli.get_user_args_group(hunt_parser) hunt_parser.set_defaults(func=main) hunt_parser.set_defaults(help_empty=True) # Print help if command is empty return hunt_parser
[docs]def main(args): """Build experiment and execute hunt command""" args['root'] = None args['leafs'] = [] # TODO: simplify when parameter parsing is refactored experiment = experiment_builder.build_from_args(args) if args['init_only']: return config = experiment_builder.get_cmd_config(args) worker_config = orion.core.config.worker.to_dict() if config.get('worker'): worker_config.update(config.get('worker')) workon(experiment, **worker_config)