Source code for orion.algo.evolution_es

The Evolved Transformer and large-scale evolution of image classifiers

Implement evolution to exploit configurations with fixed resource efficiently

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import importlib
import logging
from typing import Callable, ClassVar, Sequence, TypeVar

import numpy as np

from orion.algo.hyperband import BudgetTuple, Hyperband, HyperbandBracket
from import Space
from orion.core.utils import format_trials
from orion.core.worker.trial import Trial

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Bad fidelity level {fidelity}. Should be in {budgets}.
Params: {params}

EvolutionES cannot be used if space does not contain a fidelity dimension.

Cannot build budgets below max_resources;
(max: {}) - (min: {}) > (num_rungs: {})

def compute_budgets(
    min_resources: int,
    max_resources: int,
    reduction_factor: int,
    nums_population: int,
    pairs: int,
) -> list[list[BudgetTuple]]:
    """Compute the budgets used for each execution of hyperband"""
    budgets_eves = []
    if reduction_factor == 1:
        for i in range(min_resources, max_resources + 1):
            if i == min_resources:
                budgets_eves.append([BudgetTuple(nums_population, i)])
                budgets_eves[0].append(BudgetTuple(pairs * 2, i))
        num_brackets = int(np.log(max_resources) / np.log(reduction_factor))
        budgets: list[list[BudgetTuple]] = []
        budgets_tab: dict[int, list[BudgetTuple]] = {}  # just for display consideration
        for bracket_id in range(0, num_brackets + 1):
            bracket_budgets: list[BudgetTuple] = []
            num_trials = int(
                    int((num_brackets + 1) / (num_brackets - bracket_id + 1))
                    * (reduction_factor ** (num_brackets - bracket_id))

            min_resources = max_resources / reduction_factor ** (
                num_brackets - bracket_id
            for i in range(0, num_brackets - bracket_id + 1):
                n_i = int(num_trials / reduction_factor**i)
                min_i = int(min_resources * reduction_factor**i)
                bracket_budgets.append(BudgetTuple(n_i, min_i))

                budget = BudgetTuple(n_i, min_i)
                if budgets_tab.get(i):
                    budgets_tab[i] = [budget]


        for i in range(len(budgets[0])):
            if i == 0:
                budgets_eves.append([BudgetTuple(nums_population, budgets[0][i][1])])
                budgets_eves[0].append(BudgetTuple(pairs * 2, budgets[0][i][1]))

    return budgets_eves

BracketT = TypeVar("BracketT", bound="BracketEVES")

[docs]class EvolutionES(Hyperband[BracketT]): """EvolutionES formulates hyperparameter optimization as an evolution. For more information on the algorithm, see original paper at and Real et al. "Large-Scale Evolution of Image Classifiers" So et all. "The Evolved Transformer" Parameters ---------- space: `` Optimisation space with priors for each dimension. seed: None, int or sequence of int Seed for the random number generator used to sample new trials. Default: ``None`` repetitions: int Number of execution of Hyperband. Default is numpy.inf which means to run Hyperband until no new trials can be suggested. nums_population: int Number of population for EvolutionES. Larger number of population often gets better performance but causes more computation. So there is a trade-off according to the search space and required budget of your problems. Default: 20 mutate: str or dict or None, optional In the mutate part, one can define the customized mutate function with its mutate factors, such as multiply factor (times/divides by a multiply factor) and add factor (add/subtract by a multiply factor). The function must be defined by an importable string. If None, default mutate function is used: ``orion.algo.mutate_functions.default_mutate``. """ requires_type: ClassVar[str | None] = None requires_dist: ClassVar[str | None] = None requires_shape: ClassVar[str | None] = "flattened" def __init__( self, space: Space, seed: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, repetitions: int | float = np.inf, nums_population: int = 20, mutate: str | dict | None = None, max_retries: int = 1000, ): self.mutate = mutate super().__init__(space, seed=seed, repetitions=repetitions) pair = nums_population // 2 mutate_ratio = 0.3 self.nums_population = nums_population self.nums_comp_pairs = pair self.max_retries = max_retries self.mutate_ratio = mutate_ratio self.nums_mutate_gene = ( int((len( - 1) * mutate_ratio) if int((len( - 1) * mutate_ratio) > 0 else 1 ) self.hurdles: list[float | np.ndarray] = [] self.population: dict[int, list[int]] = {} for i, dim in enumerate( if dim.type != "fidelity": self.population[i] = [-1] * nums_population self.performance: np.ndarray = np.inf * np.ones(nums_population) self.budgets = compute_budgets( self.min_resources, self.max_resources, self.reduction_factor, nums_population, pair, ) self.brackets: list[BracketT] = self.create_brackets() self.seed_rng(seed) def create_bracket( self, bracket_budgets: list[BudgetTuple], iteration: int ) -> BracketT: return BracketEVES(self, bracket_budgets, iteration) @property def state_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a state dict that can be used to reset the state of the algorithm.""" state_dict = super().state_dict state_dict["population"] = copy.deepcopy(self.population) state_dict["performance"] = copy.deepcopy(self.performance) state_dict["hurdles"] = copy.deepcopy(self.hurdles) return state_dict def set_state(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: """Reset the state of the algorithm based on the given state_dict""" self.population = state_dict["population"] self.performance = state_dict["performance"] self.hurdles = state_dict["hurdles"] super().set_state(state_dict) def _get_bracket(self, trial: Trial) -> BracketT: """Get the bracket of a trial during observe""" return self.brackets[-1]
class BracketEVES(HyperbandBracket[EvolutionES]): """Bracket of rungs for the algorithm Hyperband. Parameters ---------- evolutiones: `evolutiones` algorithm The evolutiones algorithm object which this bracket will be part of. budgets: list of tuple Each tuple gives the (n_trials, resource_budget) for the respective rung. repetition_id: int The id of hyperband execution this bracket belongs to """ def __init__( self, owner: EvolutionES, budgets: list[BudgetTuple], repetition_id: int ): super().__init__(owner, budgets, repetition_id) self.search_space_without_fidelity = [] self._candidates: dict[int, list[Trial]] = {} self.mutate_attr: dict = {} if owner.mutate: if isinstance(owner.mutate, str): self.mutate_attr = {"function": owner.mutate} elif isinstance(owner.mutate, dict): self.mutate_attr = copy.deepcopy(owner.mutate) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type for mutate: {owner.mutate}") function_string = self.mutate_attr.pop( "function", "orion.algo.mutate_functions.default_mutate" ) mod_name, func_name = function_string.rsplit(".", 1) mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) self.mutate_func: Callable = getattr(mod, func_name) for i, dim in enumerate( if dim.type != "fidelity": self.search_space_without_fidelity.append(i) @property def space(self) -> Space: return @property def state_dict(self) -> dict: state_dict = super().state_dict state_dict["candidates"] = copy.deepcopy(self._candidates) return state_dict def set_state(self, state_dict: dict) -> None: super().set_state(state_dict) self._candidates = state_dict["candidates"] def _get_teams(self, rung_id: int) -> list | tuple[dict, int, list[int], list[int]]: """Get the red team and blue team""" if self.has_rung_filled(rung_id + 1): return [] rung = self.rungs[rung_id]["results"] population_range = ( self.owner.nums_population if len(list(rung.values())) > self.owner.nums_population else len(list(rung.values())) ) rung_trials = list(rung.values()) for trial_index in range(population_range): objective, trial = rung_trials[trial_index] self.owner.performance[trial_index] = objective for ith_dim in self.search_space_without_fidelity: self.owner.population[ith_dim][trial_index] = trial.params[[ith_dim].name ] population_index = list(range(self.owner.nums_population)) red_team = self.owner.rng.choice( population_index, self.owner.nums_comp_pairs, replace=False ) diff_list = list(set(population_index).difference(set(red_team))) blue_team = self.owner.rng.choice( diff_list, self.owner.nums_comp_pairs, replace=False ) return rung, population_range, red_team.tolist(), blue_team.tolist() def _mutate_population( self, red_team: Sequence[int], blue_team: Sequence[int], rung: dict, population_range: int, fidelity: int | float, ) -> tuple[list[Trial], np.ndarray]: """Get the mutated population and hurdles""" winner_list = [] loser_list = [] if set(red_team) != set(blue_team): hurdles = np.zeros(1) for i, _ in enumerate(red_team): winner, loser = ( (red_team, blue_team) if self.owner.performance[red_team[i]] < self.owner.performance[blue_team[i]] else (blue_team, red_team) ) winner_list.append(winner[i]) loser_list.append(loser[i]) hurdles += self.owner.performance[winner[i]] self._mutate(winner[i], loser[i]) hurdles /= len(red_team) self.owner.hurdles.append(hurdles) logger.debug("Evolution hurdles are: %s", str(self.owner.hurdles)) trials = [] trial_ids = set() nums_all_equal = [0] * population_range for i in range(population_range): point: Sequence[int | float] = [0] * len( while True: point = list(point) point[ list( ] = fidelity for j in self.search_space_without_fidelity: point[j] = self.owner.population[j][i] trial = format_trials.tuple_to_trial(point, trial_id = self.owner.get_id(trial) if trial_id in trial_ids: nums_all_equal[i] += 1 logger.debug("find equal one, continue to mutate.") self._mutate(i, i) elif self.owner.has_suggested(trial): nums_all_equal[i] += 1 logger.debug("find one already suggested, continue to mutate.") self._mutate(i, i) else: break if nums_all_equal[i] > self.owner.max_retries: logger.warning( "Can not Evolve any more. You can make an early stop." ) break if nums_all_equal[i] < self.owner.max_retries: trials.append(trial) trial_ids.add(trial_id) else: logger.debug("Dropping trial %s", trial) return trials, np.array(nums_all_equal) def get_candidates(self, rung_id: int) -> list[Trial]: """Get a candidate for promotion""" if rung_id not in self._candidates: rung, population_range, red_team, blue_team = self._get_teams(rung_id) fidelity = self.rungs[rung_id + 1]["resources"] self._candidates[rung_id] = self._mutate_population( red_team, blue_team, rung, population_range, fidelity )[0] candidates: list[Trial] = [] for candidate in self._candidates[rung_id]: if not self.owner.has_suggested(candidate): candidates.append(candidate) return candidates def _mutate(self, winner_id: int, loser_id: int) -> None: select_genes_key_list = self.owner.rng.choice( self.search_space_without_fidelity, self.owner.nums_mutate_gene, replace=False, ) self.copy_winner(winner_id, loser_id) kwargs = copy.deepcopy(self.mutate_attr) for i, _ in enumerate(select_genes_key_list): space =[select_genes_key_list[i]] old = self.owner.population[select_genes_key_list[i]][loser_id] new = self.mutate_func(space, self.owner.rng, old, **kwargs) self.owner.population[select_genes_key_list[i]][loser_id] = new self.owner.performance[loser_id] = -1 def copy_winner(self, winner_id: int, loser_id: int) -> None: """Copy winner to loser""" for key in self.search_space_without_fidelity: self.owner.population[key][loser_id] = self.owner.population[key][winner_id]