Source code for orion.testing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Common testing support module

Common testing support module providing defaults, functions and mocks.

# pylint: disable=protected-access

import contextlib
import copy
import datetime
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager

import as experiment_builder
from import SpaceBuilder
from orion.core.worker.producer import Producer
from orion.testing.state import OrionState

base_experiment = {
    "name": "default_name",
    "version": 0,
    "metadata": {
        "user": "default_user",
        "user_script": "abc",
        "priors": {"x": "uniform(0, 10)"},
        "datetime": "2017-11-23T02:00:00",
        "orion_version": "XYZ",
    "algorithms": {"random": {"seed": 1}},

base_trial = {
    "experiment": "default_name",
    "status": "new",  # new, reserved, suspended, completed, broken
    "worker": None,
    "submit_time": "2017-11-23T02:00:00",
    "start_time": None,
    "end_time": None,
    "heartbeat": None,
    "results": [],
    "params": [],

[docs]def default_datetime(): """Return default datetime""" return datetime.datetime(1903, 4, 25, 0, 0, 0)
all_status = ["completed", "broken", "reserved", "interrupted", "suspended", "new"]
[docs]def generate_trials(trial_config=None, statuses=None, exp_config=None, max_attemtps=50): """Generate Trials with different configurations""" if trial_config is None: trial_config = base_trial if statuses is None: statuses = all_status def _generate(obj, *args, value): if obj is None: return None obj = copy.deepcopy(obj) data = obj data[args[-1]] = value return obj new_trials = [_generate(trial_config, "status", value=s) for s in statuses] for i, trial in enumerate(new_trials): trial["submit_time"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=i ) if trial["status"] != "new": trial["start_time"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=i ) for i, trial in enumerate(new_trials): if trial["status"] == "completed": trial["end_time"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( seconds=i ) if exp_config: space = SpaceBuilder().build(exp_config["space"]) else: space = SpaceBuilder().build({"x": "uniform(0, 200)"}) # make each trial unique sampled = set() i = 0 for trial in new_trials: if trial["status"] == "completed": trial["results"].append({"name": "loss", "type": "objective", "value": i}) trial_stub = space.sample(seed=i)[0] attempts = 0 while in sampled and attempts < max_attemtps: trial_stub = space.sample(seed=i)[0] attempts += 1 i += 1 if attempts >= max_attemtps: raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot sample unique trials in less than {max_attemtps}" ) sampled.add( trial["params"] = trial_stub.to_dict()["params"] return new_trials
[docs]def generate_benchmark_experiments_trials( benchmark_algorithms, experiment_config, trial_config, task_number, max_trial ): """Return a list of experiments and trials for a benchmark""" gen_exps = [] gen_trials = [] algo_num = len(benchmark_algorithms) for i in range(task_number * algo_num): import copy exp = copy.deepcopy(experiment_config) exp["_id"] = i exp["name"] = "experiment-name-{}".format(i) exp["algorithms"] = benchmark_algorithms[i % algo_num]["algorithm"] exp["max_trials"] = max_trial exp["metadata"]["datetime"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() gen_exps.append(exp) for j in range(max_trial): trial = copy.deepcopy(trial_config) trial["_id"] = "{}{}".format(i, j) trial["experiment"] = i trials = generate_trials(trial, ["completed"]) gen_trials.extend(trials) return gen_exps, gen_trials
@contextmanager def create_study_experiments( exp_config, trial_config, algorithms, task_number, max_trial ): gen_exps, gen_trials = generate_benchmark_experiments_trials( algorithms, exp_config, trial_config, task_number, max_trial ) with OrionState(experiments=gen_exps, trials=gen_trials): experiments = [] experiments_info = [] for i in range(task_number * len(algorithms)): experiment ="experiment-name-{}".format(i)) experiments.append(experiment) for index, exp in enumerate(experiments): experiments_info.append((int(index / task_number), exp)) yield experiments_info
[docs]def mock_space_iterate(monkeypatch): """Force space to return seeds as samples instead of actually sampling This is useful for tests where we want to get params we can predict (0, 1, 2, ...) """ sample = def iterate(self, seed, *args, **kwargs): """Return the trials with seed value instead of sampling""" trials = [] for trial in sample(self, seed=seed, *args, **kwargs): trials.append( trial.branch(params={param: seed for param in trial.params.keys()}) ) return trials monkeypatch.setattr("", iterate)
[docs]@contextmanager def create_experiment(exp_config=None, trial_config=None, statuses=None): """Context manager for the creation of an ExperimentClient and storage init""" if exp_config is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'exp_config' is missing") if trial_config is None: raise ValueError("Parameter 'trial_config' is missing") if statuses is None: statuses = ["new", "interrupted", "suspended", "reserved", "completed"] from orion.client.experiment import ExperimentClient with OrionState( experiments=[exp_config], trials=generate_trials(trial_config, statuses, exp_config), ) as cfg: experiment =["name"]) if cfg.trials: experiment._id = cfg.trials[0]["experiment"] client = ExperimentClient(experiment) yield cfg, experiment, client client.close()
[docs]class MockDatetime(datetime.datetime): """Fake Datetime"""
[docs] @classmethod def utcnow(cls): """Return our random/fixed datetime""" return default_datetime()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def mocked_datetime(monkeypatch): """Make ``datetime.datetime.utcnow()`` return an arbitrary date.""" with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setattr(datetime, "datetime", MockDatetime) yield MockDatetime
class AssertNewFile: def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def __enter__(self): if os.path.exists(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type is None: assert os.path.exists(self.filename), self.filename os.remove(self.filename)