Source code for orion.core.worker

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`orion.core.worker` -- Coordination of the optimization procedure

.. module:: worker
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Executes optimization steps and runs training experiment
      with parameter values suggested.

import io
import itertools
import logging
import pprint

from orion.core.worker.consumer import Consumer
from orion.core.worker.producer import Producer
from import get_storage

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def reserve_trial(experiment, producer): """Reserve a new trial, or produce and reserve a trial if none are available.""" trial = experiment.reserve_trial(score_handle=producer.algorithm.score) if trial is None and not experiment.is_done: log.debug("#### Failed to pull a new trial from database.") log.debug("#### Fetch most recent completed trials and update algorithm.") producer.update() log.debug("#### Produce new trials.") producer.produce() return reserve_trial(experiment, producer) return trial
[docs]def workon(experiment, worker_trials=None): """Try to find solution to the search problem defined in `experiment`.""" producer = Producer(experiment) consumer = Consumer(experiment) log.debug("##### Init Experiment #####") try: iterator = range(int(worker_trials)) except (OverflowError, TypeError): # When worker_trials is inf iterator = itertools.count() for _ in iterator: log.debug("#### Poll for experiment termination.") if experiment.is_broken:"#### Experiment has reached broken trials threshold, terminating.") return if experiment.is_done: break log.debug("#### Try to reserve a new trial to evaluate.") trial = reserve_trial(experiment, producer) if trial is not None: log.debug("#### Successfully reserved %s to evaluate. Consuming...", trial) consumer.consume(trial) stats = experiment.stats if not stats:"No trials completed.") return best = get_storage().get_trial(uid=stats['best_trials_id']) stats_stream = io.StringIO() pprint.pprint(stats, stream=stats_stream) stats_string = stats_stream.getvalue() best_stream = io.StringIO() pprint.pprint(best.to_dict()['params'], stream=best_stream) best_string = best_stream.getvalue()"##### Search finished successfully #####")"\nRESULTS\n=======\n%s\n", stats_string)"\nBEST PARAMETERS\n===============\n%s", best_string)