Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`orion.core.resolve_config` -- Configuration parsing and resolving

.. module:: resolve_config
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: How does orion resolve configuration settings?


 - Experiment name resolves like this:
    * cmd-arg **>** cmd-provided orion_config **>** REQUIRED (no default is given)

 - Database options resolve with the following precedence (high to low):
    * cmd-provided orion_config **>** env vars **>** default files **>** defaults

.. seealso:: :const:`ENV_VARS`, :const:`ENV_VARS_DB`

 - All other managerial, `Optimization` or `Dynamic` options resolve like this:

    * cmd-args **>** cmd-provided orion_config **>** database (if experiment name
      can be found) **>** default files

Default files are given as a list at :const:`orion.core.DEF_CONFIG_FILES_PATHS` and a
precedence is respected when building the settings dictionary:

 * default orion example file **<** system-wide config **<** user-wide config

.. note:: `Optimization` entries are required, `Dynamic` entry is optional.

import errno
import getpass
import hashlib
import logging
import os

import git
from numpy import inf as infinity
import yaml

import orion
import orion.core
from orion.core import config

[docs]def is_exe(path): """Test whether `path` describes an executable file.""" return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ################################################################################ # Default Settings and Environmental Variables # ################################################################################ # Default settings for command line arguments (option, description) DEF_CMD_MAX_TRIALS = (infinity, 'inf/until preempted') DEF_CMD_WORKER_TRIALS = (infinity, 'inf/until preempted') DEF_CMD_POOL_SIZE = (1, str(1)) # list containing tuples of # (environmental variable names, configuration keys, default values) ENV_VARS_DB = [ ('ORION_DB_NAME', 'name'), ('ORION_DB_TYPE', 'type'), ('ORION_DB_ADDRESS', 'host'), ('ORION_DB_PORT', 'port') ] # TODO: Default resource from environmental (localhost) # dictionary describing lists of environmental tuples (e.g. `ENV_VARS_DB`) # by a 'key' to be used in the experiment's configuration dict ENV_VARS = dict( database=ENV_VARS_DB )
[docs]def fetch_config(args): """Return the config inside the .yaml file if present.""" orion_file = args.get('config') config = dict() if orion_file: log.debug("Found orion configuration file at: %s", os.path.abspath( config = yaml.safe_load(orion_file) return config
[docs]def fetch_default_options(): """Create a dict with options from the default configuration files. Respect precedence from application's default, to system's and user's. .. seealso:: :const:`orion.core.DEF_CONFIG_FILES_PATHS` """ default_config = dict() # get some defaults default_config['name'] = None default_config['user'] = getpass.getuser() default_config['max_trials'] = DEF_CMD_MAX_TRIALS[0] default_config['worker_trials'] = DEF_CMD_WORKER_TRIALS[0] default_config['pool_size'] = DEF_CMD_POOL_SIZE[0] default_config['algorithms'] = 'random' # get default options for some managerial variables (see :const:`ENV_VARS`) for signifier, env_vars in ENV_VARS.items(): default_config[signifier] = {} for _, key in env_vars: default_config[signifier][key] = config[signifier][key] # fetch options from default configuration files for configpath in orion.core.DEF_CONFIG_FILES_PATHS: try: with open(configpath) as f: cfg = yaml.safe_load(f) if cfg is None: continue # implies that yaml must be in dict form for k, v in cfg.items(): if k in ENV_VARS: default_config[k] = {} for vk, vv in v.items(): default_config[k][vk] = vv else: if k != 'name': default_config[k] = v except IOError as e: # default file could not be found log.debug(e) except AttributeError as e: log.warning("Problem parsing file: %s", configpath) log.warning(e) return default_config
[docs]def fetch_env_vars(): """Fetch environmental variables related to orion's managerial data.""" env_vars = {} for signif, evars in ENV_VARS.items(): env_vars[signif] = {} for var_name, key in evars: value = os.getenv(var_name) if value is not None: env_vars[signif][key] = value return env_vars
[docs]def fetch_metadata(cmdargs): """Infer rest information about the process + versioning""" metadata = {} metadata['orion_version'] = orion.core.__version__ # Move 'user_script' and 'user_args' to 'metadata' key user_args = cmdargs.get('user_args', []) # Trailing white space are catched by argparse as an empty argument if len(user_args) == 1 and user_args[0] == '': user_args = [] user_script = user_args[0] if user_args else None if user_script: abs_user_script = os.path.abspath(user_script) if is_exe(abs_user_script): user_script = abs_user_script if user_script and not os.path.exists(user_script): raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, "The path specified for the script does not exist", user_script) if user_script: metadata['user_script'] = user_script metadata['VCS'] = infer_versioning_metadata(metadata['user_script']) if user_args: metadata['user_args'] = user_args[1:] metadata['user'] = getpass.getuser() return metadata
[docs]def merge_configs(*configs): """Merge configuration dictionnaries following the given hierarchy Suppose function is called as merge_configs(A, B, C). Then any pair (key, value) in C would overwrite any previous value from A or B. Same apply for B over A. If for some pair (key, value), the value is a dictionary, then it will either overwrite previous value if it was not also a directory, or it will be merged following `merge_configs(old_value, new_value)`. .. warning: Redefinition of subdictionaries may lead to confusing results because merges do not remove data. If for instance, we have {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}} and we would like to update `'a'` such that it only have `{'c': 3}`, it won't work with {'a': {'c': 3}}. merge_configs({'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 2}}, {'a': {'c': 3}}) -> {'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 3}} Examples -------- .. code-block:: python :linenos: a = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 2}} b = {'b': {'c': 3}} c = {'b': {'c': {'d': 4}}} m = resolve_config.merge_configs(a, b, c) assert m == {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': {'d': 4}}} a = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 2, 'd': 3}} b = {'b': {'c': 4}} c = {'b': {'c': {'e': 5}}} m = resolve_config.merge_configs(a, b, c) assert m == {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': {'e': 5}, 'd': 3}} """ merged_config = configs[0] for config_i in configs[1:]: for key, value in config_i.items(): if isinstance(value, dict) and isinstance(merged_config.get(key), dict): merged_config[key] = merge_configs(merged_config[key], value) elif value is not None: merged_config[key] = value return merged_config
[docs]def fetch_user_repo(user_script): """Fetch the GIT repo and its root path given user's script.""" dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(user_script)) try: git_repo = git.Repo(dir_path, search_parent_directories=True) except git.exc.InvalidGitRepositoryError: git_repo = None logging.warning('Script %s is not in a git repository. Code modification ' 'won\'t be detected.', os.path.abspath(user_script)) return git_repo
[docs]def infer_versioning_metadata(user_script): """ Infer information about user's script versioning if available. Fills the following information in VCS: `is_dirty` shows whether the git repo is at a clean state. `HEAD_sha` gives the hash of head of the repo. `active_branch` shows the active branch of the repo. `diff_sha` shows the hash of the diff in the repo. :returns: the `VCS` but filled with above info. """ git_repo = fetch_user_repo(user_script) if not git_repo: return {} vcs = {} vcs['type'] = 'git' vcs['is_dirty'] = git_repo.is_dirty() vcs['HEAD_sha'] = git_repo.head.object.hexsha if git_repo.head.is_detached: vcs['active_branch'] = None else: vcs['active_branch'] = # The 'diff' of the current version from the latest commit diff = git_repo.git.diff(git_repo.head.commit.tree).encode('utf-8') diff_sha = hashlib.sha256(diff).hexdigest() vcs['diff_sha'] = diff_sha return vcs