Source code for orion.algo.random

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:mod:`orion.algo.random` -- Random sampler as optimization algorithm

.. module:: random
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Draw and deliver samples from prior defined in problem's domain.

import numpy

from orion.algo.base import BaseAlgorithm

[docs]class Random(BaseAlgorithm): """Implement a algorithm that samples randomly from the problem's space.""" def __init__(self, space, seed=None): """Random sampler takes no other hyperparameter than the problem's space itself. :param space: `` of optimization. :param seed: Integer seed for the random number generator. """ super(Random, self).__init__(space, seed=seed)
[docs] def seed_rng(self, seed): """Seed the state of the random number generator. :param seed: Integer seed for the random number generator. """ self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
@property def state_dict(self): """Return a state dict that can be used to reset the state of the algorithm.""" return {'rng_state': self.rng.get_state()}
[docs] def set_state(self, state_dict): """Reset the state of the algorithm based on the given state_dict :param state_dict: Dictionary representing state of an algorithm """ self.seed_rng(0) self.rng.set_state(state_dict['rng_state'])
[docs] def suggest(self, num=1): """Suggest a `num` of new sets of parameters. Randomly draw samples from the import space and return them. :param num: how many sets to be suggested. .. note:: New parameters must be compliant with the problem's domain ``. """ return, seed=tuple(self.rng.randint(0, 1000000, size=3)))
[docs] def observe(self, points, results): """Observe evaluation `results` corresponding to list of `points` in space. A simple random sampler though does not take anything into account. """ pass