Scaling workers

This tutorial shows simple examples to use the different backends of Oríon to scale execution to multiple workers in parallel. The parallelization of Oríon workers is explained in more details in section Parallel Workers.

We will start with a basic example using scikit-learn.

import joblib
import numpy
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
from sklearn.svm import SVC

def main(C, gamma, tol, class_weight, joblib_backend="loky"):

    digits = datasets.load_digits()

    X =
    y =

    model = SVC(kernel="rbf", C=C, gamma=gamma, tol=tol, class_weight=class_weight)

    # Single metric evaluation using cross_validate
    with joblib.parallel_backend(joblib_backend):
        cv_results = cross_validate(model, X, y, cv=5)

    accuracy = numpy.mean(cv_results["test_score"])
    error_rate = 1 - accuracy

    return [{"name": "test_error_rate", "type": "objective", "value": error_rate}]

We create a main() function that takes as arguments the hyperparameters for an SVM for classification. We add the argument joblib_backend so that we can control which backend is used to paralellize the cross-validation. By default we will use loky for multi-processing. We load the dataset digits and divide it in features X and targets y. We then create the model with the given hyperparameter values. We use joblib.parallel_backend to execute the cross-validation on 5 folds in parallel for more effiency. Finaly we compute the average accuracy, and convert it to test error rate since Oríon is minimizing the objective and we would not want to minimize the accuracy. The results is returned in the format required by Oríon.

We will now create an experiment with Oríon to optimize this function.

# Specify the database where the experiments are stored. We use a local PickleDB here.
storage = {
    "type": "legacy",
    "database": {
        "type": "pickleddb",
        "host": "./db.pkl",

# Specify optimization space for the SVM
space = {
    "C": "loguniform(1e-6, 1e6)",
    "gamma": "loguniform(1e-8, 1e8)",
    "tol": "loguniform(1e-4, 1e-1)",
    "class_weight": "choices([None, 'balanced'])",


Joblib is a lightweight library for task parallel execution in Python. It is the default backend used by Oríon to spawn multiple workers.

We first build the experiment and limit it to 200 trials.

from orion.client import build_experiment

experiment = build_experiment(

Since joblib is the default backend, we do not need to do anything special to use it. We can simply call ExperimentClient.workon() and specify the number of workers that we want.

experiment.workon(main, n_workers=4)

It is as simple as this.

The experiment backend is by default the one configured in the global configuration (executor and executor_configuration). If you want to use a different backend while executing ExperimentClient.workon(), you can use ExperimentClient.tmp_executor() like the following.

with experiment.tmp_executor("joblib", n_workers=10):
    experiment.workon(main, n_workers=2)

Note that you must specify n_workers for both the backend and for ExperimentClient.workon(). For the backend, it refers to the number of workers you would like to have running in parallel. For ExperimentClient.workon(), it is the number of Orion workers to run in parallel. You may want to have more backend workers than Oríon workers if for instance your task is also parallelizing tasks. You can see such an example here, because we are parallelizing the cross-validation inside the function Oríon is optimizing. Each worker will create 5 tasks that can be run in parallel.


Using Dask is similar to joblib. Unless you have configured Oríon to use Dask by default (executor and executor_configuration), you will want to use ExperimentClient.tmp_executor() to change the backend. Make sure to only run Dask with if __name__ == "__main__" otherwise you will run into a RuntimeError (see here).

experiment = build_experiment(

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with experiment.tmp_executor("dask", n_workers=10):
        experiment.workon(main, n_workers=2, joblib_backend="dask")

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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