Python API basics

This short tutorial will show you the basics to use Oríon in python. We will optimize a simple 1-d rosenbrock function with random search and TPE and visualize the regret curve to compare the algorithms.

We first import the only function needed, build experiment.

from orion.client import build_experiment

We configure the database with PickledDB so that the results are saved locally on disk. This enables resuming the experiment and running parallel workers.

storage = {
    "type": "legacy",
    "database": {
        "type": "pickleddb",
        "host": "./db.pkl",

We define the search space for the optimization. Here, the optimization algorithm may explore real values for x between 0 and 30 only. See documentation of Search Space for more information.

space = {"x": "uniform(0, 30)"}

We then build the experiment with the name random-rosenbrock. The name is by Oríon as an id for the experiment. Each experiment must have a unique name.

experiment = build_experiment(

For this example we use a 1-d rosenbrock function. We must return a list of results, for Oríon. Results must have the format {name: <str>: type: <'objective', 'constraint' or 'gradient'>, value=<float>} otherwise a ValueError will be raised. At least one of the results must have the type objective, the metric that is minimized by the algorithm.

def rosenbrock(x, noise=None):
    """Evaluate partial information of a quadratic."""
    y = x - 34.56789
    z = 4 * y ** 2 + 23.4

    return [{"name": "objective", "type": "objective", "value": z}]

We then pass the function rosenbrock to workon(). This method will iteratively try new sets of hyperparameters suggested by the optimization algorithm until it reaches 20 trials.

experiment.workon(rosenbrock, max_trials=20)

Now let’s plot the regret curve to see how well went the optimization.


We have here on the x-axis the trials order by suggestion time, that is the order they were tried inside the workon loop. The y-axis is the objective of the trials, the lower the better. The red curve represents the regret, the best achieved objective at time x, and the blue dots are the objectives of the different trials.

Fortunately, we can see looking at the regret curve that the best results converge close to the minimum. That means the optimization was at least reasonably good. On the other-hand, looking at the trials we see that the algorithm made suggestions far from optimal from the beginning to the end of the optimization. That is to be expected, by default Oríon uses random search. All trials were randomly sampled. Let’s try next a different algorithm to observe a proper convergence behavior.

Let’s use a Tree Parzen Estimator that can easily find the optimal solution. We specify the algorithm configuration t build experiment

experiment = build_experiment(
    algorithms={"tpe": {"n_initial_points": 5}},

We then again run the optimization for 20 trials and plot the regret.

experiment.workon(rosenbrock, max_trials=20)


We can see the stark difference with the results of the random search. After the first 5 random points (see tpe’s configuration above), the TPE already identified the optimal region for x and explored this subspace.